Am descoperit cu mare surpriză că există o metamorfoză posibilă: de la 4 la 2 roți.
În urmă cu ceva timp am scris un articol admirativ la adresa lui Sebastian Vettel, acestă legendă din Formula 1. Vezi AICI
Așa cum am bănuit, există structuri sufletești pe care unii le-au primit cadou, structuri în care se află ”reziliență” (ce calc oribil după limba engleză, dar nu găsesc echivalent în limba română, probabil pentru că mioriticul popor român nu este dotat cu așa ceva!), perseverență, redefinire a sinelui și acțiunilor.
Iată idei pentru pensie!
Credit Aston Martin via”Formula One and cycling share a close working relationship; it’s not uncommon to see drivers recceing the track, or just getting around, on two wheels instead of four.
There’s a lot that cyclists could learn from F1 drivers; „moving up” in the bunch takes on a whole new definiton when it means overtaking at a speed most of us would struggle to maintain in a straight line, not to mention the significance of aerodynamics, quick reactions and handling prowess.
Driving a Formula One car is an endurance sport, from a young age I followed a regime which is similar, I suppose, to what I do now, working at intervals to boost my base fitness,” Vettle explains.
The rewards for riding a bike for Vettel are the same as for many of us who ride for recreation: “For me riding a bike isn’t about going as fast as you can, the sense of personal achievement you get from cycling is such a huge reward, getting to the top of a climb, it’s the best.”
Sursa AICI