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Tuturor ni s-a întîmplat!

”Nu crede tot ce scrie pe internet! Nu tot ce apare pe facebook ca citat este adevărat” după cum spunea marele nostru Mihai Eminescu


Se întîmplă și la case mari. Ocupîndu-mă de Augustin, am descoperit în cei 7 ani cît m-am ocupat de scrierile lui cîteva citate atribuite prost sau citate prost. Unele aparțineau altora, altele erau chiar mult dincolo de epoca sa.

Ce este de făcut?

Simplu: înainte de a distribui citatul … mai dă un google, s-ar putea să găsești chestiuni chiar interesante.

Iată un articol despre această problemă:

How can we check?

Often verifying quotes is simply a case of rigorously searching through publicly available information, says Kim LaCapria, who works for rumour-busting website Snopes.

The volume of dubious content online is greater than ever before, but verification can be easier because far more information is digitised, she says. „It’s actually pretty easy for average social media users to fact check online.”

Her job involves looking at outright fake quotes, but also real quotes presented in a misleading way. For example, Al Gore has been ridiculed for claiming he „invented the internet”. The former vice president did once say „I took the initiative in creating the Internet,” but taken in full context, that line seems rather more modest.

We are less likely to expend energy verifying a quote which confirms our political beliefs, says LaCapria, an effect which psychologists call confirmation bias.

Whether a fake quote comes from the left or the right, it tends to have one common feature, she says. „It validates our preconceived beliefs or feelings, and that’s often proffered as a valid reason to spread it.”


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