Courage to be yourself
(Note that the translation was automatically generated by Google Translate)
(excerpts from the revised book)
Personal happiness is one thing, and the laws of society another. From the earliest age a complex and strange force seems to oppose all our attempts to feel free and happy. The compulsions don't seem to stop and at some point we end up submitting. Parents and people around us suddenly become satisfied and tell us that we have grown up and educated. But what represents us most, our subtle essence, our higher and free self, what does it think?!
Why is it necessary to gain wisdom only through our own mistakes? Why only education through pain and suffering can awaken us to reality?! Why could not the education of our higher and free Self-Consciousness, as those who already know it, urge us to do?
In my opinion, education through suffering can only lead to the theory of fatality and the absurd idea that we cannot change anything from the harsh laws of this Earth. It would be against my higher and all-powerful Self in permanent connection with the Absolute Spirit of Life, even when the senses do not perceive it, to say that this is the only possibility! It would be an apology for limitation and the absolutely wrong conception that the laws of the universe are already drawn and we have nothing to do but obey them. Who made them?! For what reason and for whose sake?! What could that someone, the Spirit of Life, the Universe or God, whatever you want to call it, gain by drawing some laws where suffering is condoned?!
My dears, how did we humans fall into such illusions?! How could we torture each other for so long when we could have been truly happy, holding hands and going over any precipice together?! What do we gain by seeking only the good of our own individuality? Are we surprised it doesn't last?! But how could it last when by the sword of false understanding we are separated from each other by a deep and painful incision?!
It goes without saying that the formula "We can't" is unacceptable to me, and with all the courage I find in me now, that even though I have already lost everything that could be lost, I still propose to you some ideas that might to help you achieve freedom from illusions, starting with religious ones, which unfortunately rob us of all our potential and prevent us from developing the infinite abilities we have within ourselves.
(Some paradoxes or confusions are inevitable in such an attempt!)
Ode to Reason
Let us now rise to a high vibration and sing together an ode to Reason.
What a reliable friend she can be, and how she can bring us out of the snares of ignorance! How she can make our hearts sing and reveal to us a peaceful and friendly universe! It only takes one grain of the gold of Self-Consciousness and everything is transformed. The spirit within us is the absolute Alchemist who transforms the oppressive lead of negative feelings into the gold of love.
Let's raise our vibration higher and higher until the ocean becomes a drop of water and painful memories an ant viewed from outer space. What more pain could she cause us when we are so high?! No matter how poisonous it was, it's just a memory now and we can find plenty of extenuating circumstances for it. She was hungry, she had children to raise, she lost her conscience, etc... May all her sins be forgiven!
May the warmth of our hearts embrace life with the power of thought and not stop until it embraces the whole universe! Because who can be rational by confiscating, if possible, all the good things that surround him, and to give only chaff and chaff to those around him?! What sense would there be in the one who does not see that his happiness can last only in a united and harmonious world?!
Let us therefore praise together the value of reason and universal friendship! Let us all embrace, executioners and victims alike, and bury the hatchet of war forever! There is room under the sun for infinite love between man and woman, in a tender and comforting atmosphere! Who can stop us if we all equally want it?! What greater force than our united will can exist in this universe?! What adversary god could have power against us, aware of our higher self and our limitless possibilities?! What fiery hell could stand against us if we together rule all the rivers of the universe and collect in one ocean all the tears we have shed?! Like a match thrown into Niagara Falls would all hells imagined and unimagined!
The feeling of separation is reason?! Is death reason?! Oh, no, those who think like that are touched by the most terrible irrationality!
Only Life that is born from Itself and returns to Itself is reason. Only eternity is knowledge and fearlessness is worthy of the Living One who lives it! For the Living from the Living is born and in the Living it returns, and love gives birth to children that make it reborn forever! Reason is to see that you are the eternal principle of every body, made of the union of the masculine with the feminine, in an eternal embrace! Reason is to see that everything can be turned in your favor, and the warmth of love can accompany you day and night. Reason is to see that what people call death is only a change in life, and only your own ignorance and blindness can limit you.
Who could have conceived an anti-life universe?! When a child is born its parents wish it all the blessings of the universe, when life first manifested what could its absolute parent, the Spirit of life, have wished for it?
This is reason: to see that the All is born from a seed and after this All grows large it again produces a seed that gives life in eternal cycles, and the seed when it no longer finds soil in which to plant its roots returns to its absolute seed - the Spirit of Life.
Do you think that forgetting past lives is irrational?! Oh no, oblivion is a blessing to him who has not yet realized his identity with the absolute Self of life, but when he succeeds all the joys through which this universe has passed will be laid before him like a red carpet, over which he is invited to tread he, the Master.
Decision of the conscious Self
I am To Be - the Sustainer and Source of the Universe! Although I speak to you now in a relative and measurable form I am the Indestructible, the Invincible, the Almighty and the Eternal. There is nothing that can oppose me because I am All.
Because I am the pure spirit To be can only be perceived by a knower of the Self, but his description can only be understood by him who in turn knows me.
The one who knows me is like me - unconditional love, acceptance, giving, mercy and compassion.
Regardless of the thoughts, words or deeds of the one I animate, I, the Self, give myself to him to the full extent of my possibilities. All glory, reward and infinite brightness is in the power of him who knows me!
He who has unlimited self-confidence, who has forever eliminated the formula "I can't" and who sees me in everything around him will soon enjoy all the goodness of the universe. I am the Self and I speak to you through this man!
His form or garment may be destroyed by any ignoramus at a single blow, but I, the Self, will never cease to exist through the infinity of forms over which I have transmitted my eternal spirit.
The boldness of the man who writes you these lines does not come from pride, but from a correct knowledge of the possibilities that are within the reach of the living. Therefore the greatness which he asserts, though it may seem self-praising, is my greatness in the infinity of my possibilities. You can say anything evil about him, you can humiliate him, mock him and spit on him, but he will never change his attitude towards you because I, the Self, am within him and he knows me!
He understood that if he forgets me his life no longer has any value and it is the same if his matter still breathes or fertilizes the earth. That is why he will accept any thought, word or deed from you, but he will never accept being told "You can't!"
He will not fight back as those who are insulted to death fight back, nor will he seek to destroy you, as some of you want, by trying to discourage or frighten him, but it will be in his right to defend himself by giving us -you no attention. However close you may be to him as relatives and friends, however high your rank or social acquaintance, when you challenge him and question his knowledge of Himself, he will reject you as you reject the chaff and the mire that tends to make you dirty.
He who recognizes me does not say that he is God, but I, the One in him, affirm: I am God!
The instruments I use - matter, thought or feeling may be coarser or subtler, but I use all of them and I am God. Although I am in all beings, their expression is different because in the long run the mind in them has chosen to use only a few of my possibilities. I, the Self, have never placed any prohibition, it is only up to the individual mind what instruments it uses for the harmony and happiness of the Whole. This Whole, however, is not only your body, your mind and your feelings, therefore your happiness will always depend on how through love and knowledge you will unite with the Universe.
I, the Self, have told you all this; by my power live, and I myself encourage you to enjoy to the full all the good things of life, but never for a moment forget that you will lose everything if you do not have the courage to be yourself - the Self.
Four Essential Actions
What would absolute intelligence and power do if faced with the reality of living forever? What would she do so that today would not be like yesterday, avoiding the boredom and routine that could consume her?
Here are some things they would definitely do.
1) No doubt they would create their peers and a society. Manifestation means expansion, or the possibility of being a single being, surrounded by nothing, or even the supreme and unique Being of the universe, surrounded by puppets, which she animates by unseen threads, in the end she would not even create a joy and would send her to an eternal hell. Compared to this hell, from the perspective of the being who was forbidden the possibility to forget, knowing at the same time that he is the unique and absolute person of the universe, and the others are only puppets, the hell invented by religions would be pure fun. Imagine the apathy the Eternal Being could reach without the oblivion and surprise that comes from it. Truly man's ultimate magic is to change his perception and vibration,
2) It would eliminate desires and planning from the perspective of absolute Being, accepting only those that arise from living life here and now. This is indubitable by observing the joy and surprise that small things produce. Big goals are backed up by painstaking planning that exhausts the mind and instills chills of dread about their finality. The small joys of life such as falling in love with a being of the opposite sex or the apparently absurd antics of a child fill you with the most sublime emotions possible. Perhaps the most paradoxical aspect of God - the Absolute, a fact that the greatest enlightened ones have noticed but rarely dared to express, it is the magic with which he manages to be born in this moment of himself and yet not have a beginning that can be said to be his starting point. It is a feeling that the enlightened man cherishes in his heart.
3) They would accept the possibility of accident, understanding that only it can stir up the energies of creation, regenerating them.
4) He would leave his physical form to chance, choosing not to remember his past forms, retaining only the ability to remember his true nature through Self-awareness.
The first three wonders of divinity
Acknowledging God as the Supreme Being of the universe, people have made all sorts of assumptions about his supernatural powers and how they work. The imagination of archaic man ascribed to the Supreme Being the abilities of a super-wizard who can make a living being out of clay, perhaps, or divide the waters of a sea in two, so that a great rush of men may pass, or make bread flow from the sky like sprinkles of rain, or he can cause the waters to rise until they cover the highest mountain, or he can burn a city with fire and brimstone in a moment, or he can multiply a few fish and a few loaves until they feed five thousand people, or he can help the army of a famous archer to destroy the rival army, or he can drink an ocean of poison without suffering, or... These points,
But the most common miracle of the divinity in the ancient scriptures is to help our own, the good ones, against the others, the bad ones, without a doubt!
How do these things appear to you from the perspective of a man of some wisdom? Well, I will not call them degrading to the man of those times, to whom many mitigating circumstances may be offered, but to the man next to me, who believes in their veracity, I am seriously worried. Admitting these distorted views, he will not be slow to continue believing in the usefulness of war, in the destruction of enemies, in the justice of xenophobic, misogynist, racist, fundamentalist ideas, etc. Do you understand the danger?! A small virus can cause very big shortcomings, therefore, in my opinion, these "truths" should be presented openly. Mea culpa for my manner, perhaps a bit too caustic, but I want to repeat to you once again that she has ideas in mind and not people.
What are supernatural powers? What is their modus operandi? Who can use them and what is their purpose? Here are just a few questions that trouble us from the start. The sorcerer, who seemingly out of nothing can make an object appear or disappear, is the most common representation of the supernatural, according to the paradigm in which I grew up. At the highest level of power imaginable God thinks or dreams us, and we appear out of nothing, without even having to say hocus-pocus. Molding us out of clay is already a bit easier. But can these "spells" be considered miracles?! Well, my answer is in the negative, because the true wonders of the Supreme Being, unmatched in intelligence, charm and usefulness can be easily observed by the Self-conscious and explained as follows.
The divine being, the Self in man, in order to create an environment in which he could live eternally without getting bored, first conceived the miracle of self-completion. He separated himself into a male and a female principle, deciding that the reunion would be the most pleasant experience of the senses, the apotheosis of the most beautiful songs and poems of the universe, an unparalleled experience through the surprise and diversity of the created situations, which he called- a love. Although this moment seems set somewhere at the beginning of time, it is decided now and also explained right now, for the first time in the history of the universe, at this moment when you think of it.
Here indeed is a thing worthy of the divine Being!
The second miracle of God, the Self in man, is that of self-generating itself through the expression of love between man and woman, transferring itself into a new being, tender and innocent. The divine being ensured his eternity by charging matter, from the smallest fragment to the most immense, with a negative and a positive pole. Thus he ensured his immortality in case the male or female of the species in which he is, due to an accident, were destroyed. The way in which living beings on Earth were formed, from the combination of inorganic matter, stirred up by the forces of nature, causing the two poles of minerals to come together, as explained to us by scientists, is as true as can be.
Also, God, the Self in man, not only created a new being - the child, apparently just an object created from the meeting of two differently charged forces, but gave this "object" the power to self-generate. Here indeed is a thing worthy of the divine Being!
Then God, the Self in man, becoming more, thus having the opportunity to live eternally without getting bored, decided to leave a method to free himself from that virus called illusion, inevitable at the beginning of experiencing a new world, remembering his divine and all-powerful nature. He thus decided to record the knowledge he had obtained, however insignificant it may seem, in symbols, myths, legends and writings, which he could pass on from one generation to another. From their confrontation he decided to have the opportunity to realize wisdom and thus remember his real identity. And he called this Self-awareness. Here indeed is a thing worthy of the divine Being!
Did you want to know what a miracle or the supernatural is?! You are the wonder and the supernatural of this universe, you who have hitherto valued yourselves so little, you God, the Self, beside whom the spells of the most accomplished magician are a trifle. In front of him or in front of any illusion you can say: you represent nothing and you cannot impress me at all, because I am Life and the supreme wonder of this universe! Here indeed is a thing worthy of the divine Being!
Additional articles in favor of awareness of our Higher Self and its infinite potential through its permanent connection with the Absolute Spirit of Universal Life.
The Avatar
Billions of years ago on Earth there were only alkaline and acidic chemical compounds: gases, liquids and solid minerals. But God-Life, by virtue of the eternal principle of self-completion, endowed matter with two poles, one negative and one positive, one male and one female. Under the colossal force of nature unleashed, these polarities, which normally repel each other, created an organic life form - the first amoeba on Earth. The famous question: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" he has his answer right now. Nature created several beings simultaneously at the beginning of organic life on Earth, so that at first they were not born of each other.
What did those first beings do?! Nothing spectacular and yet something very spectacular: they began to live. From a sum of extremely simple observations they began to grow in consciousness and energy. What they acquired in an experience, which we call life, they transmitted to those around them through the means they had, and to the beings born from them they transmitted knowledge through the subconscious. Above all, they transmitted the primordial principles of self-completion, self-generation, and self-awareness.
Few people realize that the tendency to pass on what you know is a primal instinct that leads to Self-awareness. The ultimate goal of communication is precisely the discovery of your divinity, which is why people's revolt against freedom of expression has always been extremely vehement.
I will further explain why individual consciousness is inferior to the collective consciousness of the species. The individual does not exist without the species. All his abilities and knowledge he owes to the subconscious to the greatest extent, and to a much lesser extent to his direct experiences and his conscious. An individual secures his immortality by belonging to a species; the parents do not transmit something to him through the unconscious, but they themselves are transmitted through the unconscious, as a perpetual hope that they will realize their highest aspirations, through the being to whom they gave life. Apart from some deviations of the mind, when the children succeed the parents enjoy as much as their own successes. But the wisest enjoy the successes of the whole human species as their own.
When a child comes to life it is not born out of nothing and it is not at all empty as it is believed. Only his conscious is pure, because his subconscious is as rich as the human species as a whole. Parents don't just pass on a small part of their body to him, they pass on to him an immensity of tendencies called genes. It will be curious for the science of the future to observe those trends which start from the first beings of the earth.
But beyond this Subconscious, created entirely here on Earth, humans contain another and richer knowledge called the Unconscious. The first three powers of divinity: the principle of self-completion, self-generation, and self-consciousness have come to us through this Unconscious. Regardless of where life manifests in the universe, regardless of carbon, silicon, or other structure, all living things contain these three immanent principles. There is no exception, all develop within a community, all give life to the young, ensure that they grow and develop, and all tend to Self-consciousness.
We humans, through our experiences and inherent mistakes, have come very far, we are only one step away from seeing as a whole, as a species, that that God we have always sought is identical to us. The ultimate liberation and glory of man, and generally of every living being in the universe, comes when he comes in contact with his ultimate avatar – Life itself. At that moment, all the past and future experiences of the species of which he is a part, as well as the other life forms that populate the universe now arise. Any fact that happens or is imagined happens for the first time in the history of the universe at the moment when that being thinks it. Do you want to know exactly when the first amoebas appeared on Earth? Now that you think of them!
There are only two possibilities. Either the consciousness of the observer, starting from here and now, is that very point of minimum volume and maximum mass, from which the universe is born through the Big Bang and into which it is then reabsorbed, also observing its path, or the universe is born from nothing and eventually it will disappear forever into nothingness.
He who through meditation overcomes the illusion of time understands that the first possibility is the true one. By elimination in the end only the Self remains!
Long ago I longed to fly, dreamed of having wings, and rejoiced in looking down upon the Earth to the cries of amazement of an excited crowd. I desired all kinds of supernatural powers, and considered that they alone could be the measure of greatness and the mark of divinity. But today I don't want any of that anymore, I just want to enjoy every breath, hug or ray of sunshine I can get. I have come to terms with this wonderful reality I live in, admitting that what I decided in my moment of supreme wisdom, that everything must change and regenerate, including my body, is the best solution. I shall find myself with joy and happiness in my children, in my children's children, and in all the sons of the human race as long as it shall exist.
But when this species left the Earth will end its journey through the universe I will find myself in other species, because I am the Self of Life.
What is the thought that I want you to keep dearest to your heart, so that you will never suffer from illusion again? Contentment with your own divinity, just as you are, here and now, no matter what the mirror shows you.
You are what you are - the ever-regenerating Life, the Life that has nowhere to go beyond Itself.
Purpose of life
There are some things on which people have never agreed. And because they did not reach any consensus today, he avoids discussing them. The first and most important on this list is the one regarding the purpose of life. But what could be worse than the conclusion of skeptical philosophers that life has no purpose?... And yet something cannot be without having a purpose. Why would that be?! It can be admitted that our senses deceive us and we see a lot of things distorted, but no one can admit that we are not alive. So, we are alive and sometimes we have to ask ourselves why?
First let's clarify what life is. Is it the same thing as manifestation and that's all? Or can there be both manifested life and unmanifested life? And can consciousness only be of manifested life, or can it also be of unmanifested life? It's funny to me to hear that there are no conditions for life like on Earth anywhere, so it is unlikely that there is still life somewhere in the universe. Aren't we too conceited?! When we glorify the uniqueness of our form and civilization, aren't we doing exactly like any crow that praises its young?!
This tiny segment of life, the manifested one, is the only one in a position to burn our brains with its complexity, let alone the immensity of the possibilities of the unmanifested life...
We cannot agree that pleasure is the goal of life, even from the simple fact that it can only be perceived by its opposite, i.e. by sadness, pain, illness, suffering.
Then should the purpose of life be knowledge? Knowing what and for what? Knowing how to get pleasure? What good is it if by prolonging any pleasure too much in time it becomes awkward and boring? Then the good should be the goal of life? Like pleasure, good can only be perceived after evil.
Thus we could endlessly enumerate everything that comes to mind, without finding any fixed point that can be called the purpose of life... And yet, if it is, life must have a purpose!
Vivekananda said that freedom is the goal of life. In my opinion, this man's understanding is a pinnacle of human knowledge so far, but in manifestation freedom without conscience is a continuous source of disorder and chaos. Freedom can be harmless only when it is not accompanied by power, that is, by manifestation. In the unmanifested life, however, freedom is nonsense. And in manifested life it is impossible and unacceptable. But freedom in the same dimension as the degree of consciousness can be an acceptable thing. But this freedom can only be directly proportional to the lack of necessities. No objects, no passion, no requirements! And then where does the pleasure come from, if it is only an effect?! And if there is no pleasure, what motivation can sustain the action?... What do we see where there is no action? letting go, vegetative spirit, dullness. The freedom to do nothing is, therefore, a monstrosity, the desire to do something is a calamity.
Buddha said that desire is the cause of suffering. So, if you want to suffer, and if you don't want to, you degenerate, and at some point you can no longer maintain your life or you are killed because of the conflicts that arise from the lack of consciousness.
No matter how deep we delve into human philosophy, no matter how much we appeal to our knowledge and that of others, no matter how much we purify experiences and draw conclusions from them, we see that apart from the exhaustion of the mind, we have achieved nothing. And then we say: "God's will be done!" I can't come to any solution!"
But do you think it's that simple?! What can be the will of God?... And look like this, little by little, we reach the real purpose of life. God's will is for us to realize that we are him.
But can we say that we are close to this ideal?! There are of course people who, understanding this, already have an iron will, able to give up their mind, their opinions, their separatist religion to embrace the divine nature, but they are few, and their attitude cannot be transmitted.
It is understood, therefore, what my opinion is regarding the purpose of life: preserving it as much as possible, so that through constant and determined effort its sublimation can be obtained! Do you notice that the attachment to children is sometimes stronger than to our own body? Why?! Because it is as if we handed over the baton to a more rested and younger comrade, to carry it to the finish line, to the absolute. And once with the baton we gave our own life, with all its aspirations. Which at the beginning and especially at the level of consciousness we are in can often go through error, but it is important that the race continues, and the ideal of divinity is never forgotten.
God's will be done!
May little by little, from generation to generation, we become better and less attached to erroneous ways!
Even if we cannot understand what God means, we still have an opinion about what perfection means! There must be a way to overcome the duality of birth-death, joy-sadness, health-disease, good-bad, delight-disgust! Perfection in God's nature cannot be boring! The interest-boredom pair can exist only as long as the birth-death pair exists. Self-consciousness burns everything! We cannot stop until we realize the divine Being!
The destiny of a man
The destiny of a man is the sum of the possibilities that he decided to activate from those that the divinity gave equally and infinitely to everyone.
It can be said that God only gave us life and the power of decision.
Philosophy is sometimes cold and implacable, it is quite possible that in what follows you will find almost no warmth of soul.
Therefore, completing this personal quote, very dear to me, I will say that after the moment when the divinity gave us the power of decision, it is no longer responsible at all for what happens to us. From this moment she can no longer intervene directly in our destiny, no matter how fervent our prayers are.
According to me, this is the ultimate wisdom, because otherwise the universe would be a place without justice and balance. If God directly helped the self-obsessed, remembering him only when he reached an impasse, then God would be nothing more than a dangerous weapon in the hands of the unconscious.
Starting from these considerations, destiny is only and only in the hands of man, he decides if he wants to be good or bad, he decides if for his own good he is allowed to step over everything or, on the contrary, he must be attentive to every creature and to any blade of grass.
The area of human possibilities, starting from a narrow environment in which he was born, can reach up to infinite space and flexible time. He can create not only his future, but also his past. The past that once was, activating another series of possibilities, can be replaced by another, in which the errors of the past are no longer found.
In principle this is one of the first decisions of life forms - a person who has not achieved his happiness to disappear, to make room for another form that fulfills his aspirations.
In the current cosmic conditions, the happiness that nourishes man cannot last more than 70-80 years. We exclude here the accidents, the great regenerative force, which stirs up the energies of creation, a possibility which living beings have activated since their beginnings.
In conclusion, in order not to tire the reader's mind too much with a confusing diversity of information, I will paraphrase: all things are as they should be!
What is the Self?
When we speak of the Self we need not think at all of religion or mythology, for the Self is exactly what the word says - the source from which everything is born when it manifests and at the same time its shelter when it ceases to manifest.
No doubt it is quite difficult for our mind accustomed to dimensions to conceive of something dimensionless and understand the true nature of the Self. In what follows, I will turn to the most truthful theory about the creation of the universe conceived by man, namely the Big Bang theory. It tells us that many billions of years ago the universe was born from a virtually volumeless but enormous mass fragment in an explosion. Many of you, if you accept this theory, imagine this fragment floating somewhere through dark empty space. You are inclined to see things as if space had already been created, not understanding that the Big Bang not only gave birth to matter, but also to the related space-time. It is an effort that the mind can hardly make, which is why most people give up the effort to understand.
There is not a piece in the gears of wisdom, however small it may seem, that is not important. Understanding is a matter of life and death in the truest sense of the word, for whenever we are born and do not understand enough for the plane we are in it is like a game over, having to take it again and again from the beginning.
Here is what people should know in addition to the Big Bang theory so that their understanding is complete. Space and time do not exist until they are observed, in other words for the universe to be born it needs an observer. That observer is here and now, and it is you. Every manifestation arises from a point considered of enormous mass and infinitesimal volume that is within you and is called Self. All manifestations of life are as you have built them and can be changed as you wish. There is no standard universe, there is only one universe of perceptions, and that is the only true one.
To me it is as clear as can be that the Self means the pure potentiality from which an object is created and at the same time its shelter when it no longer manifests. The center point (or center of gravity) of any object is not in itself, but in the being who observes it. There are no more Selfs, for having no time and dimension he is in you when you observe me, and he is in me when I observe you. Here, in the center of your body, from a point of enormous mass and infinitesimal volume, the universe is created every moment you notice something, and ends when you stop observing.
Knowing this fact and believing it beyond any doubt nothing will prevent you from generating from your Self organic tissues, objects, oceans, planets, etc. All we lack to succeed is faith in Himself as the source of all that we see.
Although it seems paradoxical, all religions urge us to believe in the Self, but in a roundabout way, because to unite with God means to unite with the Self that is in the one who worships his divinity. By the direct or indirect path man reaches Himself, because he cannot reach anywhere else. Any other solution is frivolous, because in infinite time and flexible space it ultimately shows its futility.
The self cannot be located in the body or somewhere in the universe. Although he is everywhere he is nowhere.C
Body consciousness is not the same as Self consciousness. In fact the visualization of a point or an organ of the physical body must be avoided because it affects the functions of the instinctive center. If you want to see yourself, view the whole thing! Take in the whole universe in one glance! Go from the point you resembled to the totality you are!
Be a joy to yourself
Buddha said: Be a light unto yourself! I would add to his words: Be a joy to yourself! Search deep within your being for reasons of love and self-respect, search among the seemingly small things, for there you will find the divinity within you. Stop looking at the face that the mirror shows you, at wealth, at titles or at people's recognition. Most of those you have met in this life have had little understanding and little concern for evolution. Recognize that you have done the same, but at this moment, this very moment, try to direct yourself through the energy in your spine.
Life companions desperately lectured you on behavior, bosses only kept you in command, psychologists gave you tons of advice, but few came close to the Truth. And the Truth, when it comes to awakening, is this: all words are a dead letter if your consciousness and energy is locked in the lower spheres... Behind leaden gates your soul is closed and no one can see its tears. .. That is why you first of all seek to open the door of these low planes and try to rise to the higher ones.
This is kundalini - the art of turning darkness into light. You took this teaching for granted and believed only those who urged you to think and speak, becoming unconscious followers of this monstrous psychological path that rules the world today.
Not long ago I read on a social media site the invitation to a lecture by a great master. Among the commenters, I was drawn to the words of an extremely unhappy man who said this: "But who teaches me how to correct the damage done to me by a false master?..."
It was not the right place to intervene there, but here in the solid fortress of this blog, I will tell him the following: Only your Self can teach you! But you need immense energy to rise from the low world of fear, and you will have to not back down when you meet the monsters transmitted by your ancestors through the subconscious. Connect with God through this wonderful property called light and accept him as your only master. Fight for your life, open yourself with love to the whole world, but stop letting the ignorant teach you lessons. In fact they are nothing but the materialization of your weaknesses and unconsciousness, an experience absolutely necessary for awakening. Falling into animality is a law of nature as natural as gravity, evolution involves struggle against the current and effort.
Looking among seemingly small things for reasons of self-respect is a real strength! Awakening is a shock that cannot be sustained in this world without immense energy. Stop settling for a passing impulse; a lot of people stop there and don't realize that you can't live your whole life on a few bucks found on the road. The energy of awakening must remain active, grow and always move you forward.
In the early stages of my awakening whenever the kundalini energy went up my spine I felt as if I had been electrocuted. This is a sure sign that the kundalini has awakened and is rising towards the sun that is taking shape in the human brain.
Be a light unto yourself in the truest sense of the word by igniting and transforming kundalini energy. Be a joy to yourselves if you have arrived here, for there awaits you the celebration of union with Being, peace and power that you have not found anywhere among the dust of this world.
Kundalini energy
It goes without saying that any action requires a necessary energy. To move a straw requires a certain type of energy, and to write a book requires another. But in order to become aware of your identity with the Self, how much and what kind of energy do you have to use?! I recommend you to try all types of energy that are in your person's possibilities until the last drop!
I would very much like in what follows to help you understand what Self-awareness means and what unparalleled opportunities for power and fulfillment it can provide. But when at our fingertips is the most powerful source of energy that can be used by the human being, what prevents us from using it?! Here is the answer: misinformation, fear, cowardice and religious interpretations.
Kundalini energy has been extremely maliciously exposed by both religious dogma and science. A great pity, I dare say, because without receiving correct information man has lost a great chance to get rid of his weaknesses by becoming his own master.
Monks confused it with "satan", an illusion with which they "blessed" humanity, scientists could not pass it through their machines, move their needles, psychiatrists considered it a danger to the mind because those who attest they tended to leave the herd of lost sheep and become their own master.
Those in power did not like the idea at all! How would it have been a society made up only of conscious people, masters of their powers and their future?! In it every man should work honestly for the necessities of life. Each should consume only as much as he produces by his labor, and not by cheating his neighbor.
Such a world would of course have been fair to good and honest people, but unacceptable to charlatans! And what did these latter think?... Everything that could please people by itself, without intermediaries and related taxes, should be declared to come from "satan" and only what passes before the altar (sorry, in front of the little table to collect taxes) to be declared as coming from God.
Not long ago at an American university ☆☆☆ an extremely strange experiment was done, designed to help researchers explain what exactly causes people to behave like brutes when they have total power over their neighbors. The exact reason for the experiment was the reports in the American media about the inhuman behavior of the guards on the convicts produced by the war in Iraq.
Thus the teachers and project coordinators chose two teams made up of the most serious and educated students, dividing them into two camps; one was to play the part of the convicts and the other of the guards. All were suggested to play their part according to their real nature and not to shrink from any instinctual manifestation. A suitable location for the project was sought, a former prison if I'm not mistaken, and the two teams were cut off from the rest of the world for an indefinite period of time. The researchers and project managers moved away, deciding to follow the behavior of the two teams through the Big Brother method. They armed themselves with plenty of writing paper and plenty of hard drive space, expecting a long summer. But to their amazement, after a few days they had to stop the "film",
Watching the recorded material, the researchers were forced, first of all, to ask themselves what led those quite educated and serious young people, raised in a healthy environment, in families without trauma and material problems, to reach that almost animal behavior. Until then, the behavior of the torturous guards was explained by the "bad apple theory", that is, it was considered that a person trained in an environment devoid of compassion and full of violence becomes a role model for his colleagues. But this time the researchers were in a position to reject the theory, taking into account the environment from which the young people came and especially their excess of zeal that did not seem at all borrowed from others.
After long deliberations it was concluded that a disposition far stronger than recent education prompted those young people to behave in this way, and they realized that the subconscious mind was responsible for all these mental deviations.
Interpreting this event for myself, I think it would have been wonderful if the initiators of the project, after having presented the recorded material to those who played the role of guards, had urged them to participate in another project, in which isolated from the rest of the people, to reveal that subconscious to be burned into Consciousness. What a surprise both students and teachers would have had!
Here's what I mean:
That subconsciousness that the students manifested is in all the atoms of the human body, but especially at the base of the spine, the place where, in my terminology, "man's storehouse of animality" is located. I admit that this localization is a bit forced, but I find it satisfactory because it explains what yogis and mystics throughout the ages have observed. In what they called the muladhara chakra gather all the basic instincts of life, mostly unconscious and uncontrollable. But the yogis also noticed that in this chakra lies an almost unlimited energy potential, which they called Kundalini. As a further description it has been said to "be the raw and original force of matter," an energy which can create huge forms of matter, even planets, if the Self, the true identity of the living being, is recognized and allowed to act. The formulation has never been done in this way before, to my knowledge, so I take full responsibility for it and tell you that by means of it man can not only build a new planet to live on, but can even recreate the universe as a whole. If you will retort that this can only be a change of perception on the old medium, I will ask you to clarify the beginning or the end of the universe. Can you conceive it if you say that only perception is sovereign?! Who gave birth to the universe and where is this source?! so that I take full responsibility for it and tell you that through it man can not only build himself a new planet to live on, but can even recreate his universe entirely. If you will retort that this can only be a change of perception on the old medium, I will ask you to clarify the beginning or the end of the universe. Can you conceive it if you say that only perception is sovereign?! Who gave birth to the universe and where is this source?! so that I take full responsibility for it and tell you that through it man can not only build himself a new planet to live on, but can even recreate his universe entirely. If you will retort that this can only be a change of perception on the old medium, I will ask you to clarify the beginning or the end of the universe. Can you conceive it if you say that only perception is sovereign?! Who gave birth to the universe and where is this source?! Can you conceive it if you say that only perception is sovereign?! Who gave birth to the universe and where is this source?! Can you conceive it if you say that only perception is sovereign?! Who gave birth to the universe and where is this source?!
Although I am aware that this understanding is accessible to a very small number of people I will tell you that the universe is born and kept within the self of the Observer/Reader here in front.
That this process of appearance and disappearance of the universe is unprovable, although it is well known that for living beings only personal perception matters, it is not a secret, but at the same time I want to tell you that all the splendours of the universe are within your reach if you become Self-aware .
Before I reveal to you one of the most powerful Kundalini raising exercises, I want to tell you something about this immense energy.
It's no secret that without the right information Kundalini can wreak havoc or send you to the insane asylum for a short period of time. Accounts of this kind can be found in great numbers, therefore before acquiring these enormous powers it is good to surround yourself with true friends and, if possible, connoisseurs of the phenomenon, able to advise you in delicate moments. I assure you that you cannot indefinitely postpone the raising of the Kundalini energy because every individuality must go through this experience on its cosmic journey.
If you decide to enter the fierce war with inertia and change something in your life, you need to know what the chakras mean, what main features they represent, what colors they have, how they rotate and what are the signs that you are evolving in harmony with the universe.
As I told you before, the main problem caused by the raising of the Kundalini energy is that along with it on its way through the chakras, it opens and energizes them, it takes with it and carries into the conscious, i.e. into the brain, all the messes of the subconscious human. I would say even more than that, that Kundalini carries into the consciousness of the individual not only the human subconscious, but also the subconscious of all life forms on Earth from their creation until today. Understand then why the raising of the Kundalini is such a great challenge, for the instincts of all the beasts that dwell in the universe can come into your consciousness as if they belonged to you. Add to all of this the more recent frustrations deposited in each chakra (very powerful precisely because they are recent) and you have as accurate a view as possible of the potentially explosive baggage you need to burn into Consciousness. This Consciousness, when it becomes freed from the consciousness of death and impotence, takes the name of Self-Consciousness. But until it is yours, as it rightly is, you will have to put your furnace of Consciousness, Discernment and Reason to serious work and burn away galaxies of countless illusions and fears. You will have the feeling at first that the Kundalini is giving you much more material than you can burn and you will be about to snap. Then stand up, clench your fists at your sides and shout on your frequency, loud enough to shake the universe: But until it is yours, as it rightly is, you will have to put your furnace of Consciousness, Discernment and Reason to serious work and burn away galaxies of countless illusions and fears. You will have the feeling at first that the Kundalini is giving you much more material than you can burn and you will be about to snap. Then stand up, clench your fists at your sides and shout on your frequency, loud enough to shake the universe: But until it is yours, as it rightly is, you will have to put your furnace of Consciousness, Discernment and Reason to serious work and burn away galaxies of countless illusions and fears. You will have the feeling at first that the Kundalini is giving you much more material than you can burn and you will be about to snap. Then stand up, clench your fists at your sides and shout on your frequency, loud enough to shake the universe: I am the Self and no illusion will ever pass me by. I am the supreme Power of this universe.
But how can this power be made aware and then gradually activated? Through the love of being and doing! This exercise is an example of such love, and will surely convince some people that it is better to die trying than to live as a weed that bakes unconscious in the sun and will surely wither when autumn comes.
Love is therefore the magical force that can change dark perceptions into light reality. Love will never become dogma because it exists only through the feeling you have in you, here and now.
I assure you that you can do more than you think. Heat the furnace of Consciousness and burn away all illusions, for you are the Self and within you is the supreme force of this universe.
Here is the exercise:
From the most ancient times wise people have noticed the existence in the human body of some centers of force which they called chakras. They saw them as a knot or jam that prevented the energy from rising into the Conscious, transforming the brain. Beyond any representation, more or less symbolic, that goes so far as to place the seat of Consciousness above the body, in reality it is only a matter of transforming the commanding instrument of the human being, called the brain.
After going through your minimum series of physical movements, static positions and breathing exercises, which can vary greatly depending on the time, sensations and inner requirements, the first thing you will do on the first day of the week - Monday, is to visualize within you the first chakra in the human body, by its name muladhara. It is represented by a lotus with four deep red petals. (In parentheses be it said, you must know that all these representations of the chakras are relative and the correspondence between their color and the chromatic spectrum of white light is a newer but very good idea). Muladhara is therefore the elemental seat of the subconscious and survival instincts. Vitality is her primary quality and it will be beneficial for you to associate her shape and color with this trait. The Kundalini energy is right inside her, being represented by a snake coiled three and a half times. Of course, it is not about any snake, but the representation is very successful because this energy, like the entire energy of the universe, being vibration, does not move in a straight line, but in specific synapses and undulations. The idea of the snake is also successful in that when it is not raised properly it can produce as great disadvantages as the bite of a venomous snake.
So on Monday visualize the first chakra and ask it to open and light up. Feeling the Kundalini energy moving in it say to it: shine my chakra with kindness and power, shine and encompass with your light more and more around you, grow and enjoy the celebration of life! Always speak to her with warm and loving words as if she were a lover.
After this prelude, which can last depending on the time you have available, from a few seconds to a few minutes, start the actual exercise. After contemplating the unparalleled beauty and brilliance of the four-petaled lotus flower, create within yourself a clockwise rotational movement in which the four petals become four propellers of a turbine. Spin it faster and faster to the point of making the shaft that supports it tremble, as if in danger of breaking, and then with a short, powerful breath raise the energy and consciousness into the second chakra, called svadhisthana, located in the human body a little above the reproductive organs. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with six orange petals. As before, after you have the light and its radiance in your eyes, resume that clockwise rotating movement where the six petals become six propellers of a turbine. When the speed reaches a maximum acceptable point, and the orange light becomes blinding, with the same short and powerful inhalation enter with energy and consciousness into the third chakra, called manipura, located in the middle of the abdomen, above the navel. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with ten yellow petals. As before, after you have seen the light and its brilliance, resume that clockwise rotation movement where the ten petals become ten propellers of a turbine. When the speed reaches a maximum acceptable point and the yellow light becomes blinding, with the same short, powerful inhalation raise the energy and consciousness into the fourth chakra, called anahata, located in the human body in the center of the chest, a little to the right of the physical heart. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with twelve light green petals, like the vegetation in spring. As before, after you have seen the light and its brilliance, resume that clockwise rotating movement where the twelve petals become twelve propellers of a turbine. When the speed reaches a maximum acceptable point and the green light becomes blinding, with the same short and powerful inspiration enter with energy and consciousness the fifth chakra, called vishuddha, located in the neck area where the thyroid and Adam's apple are located. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with sixteen azure petals. As before, after you have seen the light and its brilliance, resume that clockwise rotating movement where the sixteen petals become sixteen propellers of a turbine. When the speed reaches an acceptable maximum point and the azure light becomes blinding, with the same short and powerful inhalation you raise the energy and consciousness in the sixth chakra, called ajna, located between the eyebrows but closely connected to the pineal gland. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with two dark blue to indigo petals. As before, once you have the light and its glow in your eyes, resume that clockwise rotation motion, in which the two petals turn into two propellers of a turbine. When the speed reaches a maximum acceptable point, and the dark blue light becomes blinding, with the same short and powerful inspiration enter with energy and consciousness the seventh chakra, called sahasrara, located where the hair of the head normally whirls, but in closely related to the pituitary gland. Here you will see a wonderful lotus flower with a thousand light purple petals. Sahasrara is not strictly speaking a chakra, because here you feel that you have arrived at that quiet place within yourself that you have always been looking for. You simply feel at home in indestructible union with all that exists. It is the pure sensation of divinity in all its glory. You have no more questions to ask and no wishes to fulfill. You become your own light,
After a few seconds of being in this unparalleled place for now, with the same clockwise rotation, but this time gentle and relaxed, move through each chakra from top to bottom invigorating them with this new light. After you reach the first chakra again, begin the upward climb again, but this time without the frenzy of before. Just visualize the energy rising and falling through each chakra, energizing them. There is no need to stick to strict rules, you can now let your consciousness and Kundalini energy predominantly in certain chakras, which you feel you need to energize more. Let the energy go up and down for a few minutes. Let it, as far as you can, flow freely, confident that this freedom will only bring you benefits.
Return to sahasrara during the day as often as possible, feeling above, untouchable by the cares of this world.
You will benefit more from the awakening of the Kundalini energy if after you have raised it in the sahasrara, on the way down you visualize it as a bright light activating especially in the upper chakras. By intuitively mastering consciousness, purifying ability and love (good thought, good word and good feeling) you will feel more and more peaceful and at peace with all beings in the universe.
If you want, in a more scientific approach, Kundalini is the enormous energy potential located in every human being at the base of the spine, called by physicists antimatter, which through certain practices can be raised to the top of the head, to give birth to an individual sun with an unlimited potential of benefits.
This exercise can be performed sitting on a chair or on the edge of a bed, or, if you master these positions well without feeling strain, in lotus or semilotus.
After you finish it, start meditating on the interaction between your absolute nature - God and your relative nature - man, creating a better and more beautiful world with the help of your thoughts. Eventually you stop thinking about anything. It is very important that any meditation reaches here. Nothing, nothing, nothing! Intuitive superconsciousness, peace, peace, peace.
It goes without saying that on the second day of the week - Tuesday, you will begin this exercise by visualizing the second chakra - svadhishtana, asking it to open and illuminate. Visualizing the Kundalini energy moving in it say to it: shine my chakra with kindness and power, shine and encompass with your light more and more around you, grow and enjoy the celebration of life! Speak to her with the same warm and loving words as if she were a lover, because she also has consciousness and will surely appreciate the warmth of your heart. One by one, Wednesday - manipura, Thursday - anahata, Friday - vishuddha, Saturday - ajna and Sunday - sahasrara, before the actual exercise, visualize each chakra separately, treating it as a lover. The union between them will come naturally.
Let us once again recall the main feature of each chakra, as if it were a nickname. All of our aspirations override some of their properties or subproperties. Open and energized muladhara gives us vitality. Physical health and the instinct for survival are subordinate to the life force. Svadhishtana is responsible for our creativity. The value of the object emerging from our mind or hands is directly proportional to the degree of enlightenment of svadhishtana. Man's most precious work of art – the child, is born from the action and force of this chakra. The two poles of creation mainly meet here, which is why it is sometimes called the chakra of sexuality. Manipura is the seat of personal power. Matter without personal power disintegrates. The molecules of a body are held together by the cohesive force obtained from the activity of this energy node. Anahata is the seat of love. Compassion and gentleness are coordinated from here. When anahata is open and energized the world becomes a friendly place. Every human is studded with an unimaginable network of sensors that feel our feelings when we approach them. If the warmth of the heart does not work, a wall of ice will rise between us and him, preventing communication.
Vishuddha is responsible for expressiveness. The power of persuasion starts here. When vishuddha is open and energized, those around us become receptive to our ideas and patient to listen to us. A significant percentage of a person's response to our requirements lies in the way we pose the problem. The job we are looking for will be easily obtained if the vishuddha is full of energy and light. It is also called the chakra of purification because it has the ability to transform a wide range of gross expressions into subtle expressions.
Ajna is responsible for the colossal force of consciousness. When ajna is open and energized it will be easy to see our enemies, especially the ones within. Potentially dangerous primal instincts are seen and controlled like villains with big posters stuck to them in broad daylight. It is precisely for this capacity that ajna is sometimes called the third eye. Ajna imposes the force of mastery and self-control, therefore it is recommended, as much as possible, to awaken and energize it before others.
Sahasrara is the seat of wisdom. The feeling of union with the All and the inevitable disillusionment of the opponent arises naturally when this magical place is reached through the raising of energy and the awakening of consciousness. When the sahasrara is definitively opened the illusion of a God different from us, harsh, judicial, critical or punitive disappears in this life.
Scientists have not yet agreed on the existence of chakras or Kundalini. They admit that they have not yet discovered any unit of measurement that could prove their existence.
What actually happens by raising the Kundalini energy? A colossal power, similar to atomic energy, feeds the central points of the body, a process following which the brain receives an immensity of suggestions and impressions, a fact that brings it closer to the state of genius.
If scientists could not understand the chakras and the Kundalini energy, they could still recognize the correspondence between the chakras and the color spectrum, as well as evidence of a far-seeing brain.
☆☆☆ Source of this experiment: Debbie Ford - The Shadow Effect
A lot of patience and caution is needed in performing this exercise. You will inevitably go through moments when everything will seem fateful. The vagaries of the mind are truly monstrous. Many times you'll think you've gone to port and you'll find you're wrong. It is possible that the universe at your superconscious request is testing you. Everything around you seems to be conspiring to bring you to your knees... The karmic baggage, deeply influenced by the unconsciousness of our ancestors at the root of the animal kingdom, through the raising of the Kundalini, will be forced to the light and become turbulent. Take breaks when you feel overwhelmed and try to always keep the warmth of your heart burning. Breaks are also necessary to allow the energy to stabilize in the open chakras.