Ingrediente / ingredients:
- organe de miel - lamb organs
- 200 g ficatei de pui - 200 g chicken liver
- 200 g carne de porc tocata - 200 g minced pork
- 4 legaturi ceapa verde - 4 bunch of spring onion
- 4-5 catei de usturoi - 4-5 cloves of garlic
- o legatura de marar - a bunch of dill
- o legatura de patrunjel - a bunch of parsley
- 4 oua fierte - 4 boiled eggs
- 6 oua crude - 6 eggs
- sare si piper dupa gust- salt and pepper to taste
Fierbem organele de miel iar carnea de porc si ficateii ii tragem putin la tigaie. Ficateii si organele de miel le tocam in cubulete mici. Punem carnea intr-un castron, adaugam ceapa verde tocata marunt si calita putin in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline, usturoiul si verdeata tocata marunt, sare si piper dupa gust, si ouale batute.
We boil the lambs organs but the minced pork and liver we fry a little. We chopped into small cubes the lamb organs and liver . Place the meat in a bowl, add the spring onion , garlic and the dill and parsley finely chopped , salt and pepper to taste, and beaten eggs.
Turnam un sfert din compozitie intr-o tava, pe mijloc adaugam ouale fierte.
Pour one quarter of the mixture into a pan, add boiled eggs in the middle.
Punem restul compozitiei deasupra oualor .
Put the rest of the composition over the eggs.
Bagam la cuptor pentru o ora, la foc potrivit.
Stuffing in the oven for one hour at medium heat.
Il lasam sa se raceasca si apoi il taiem.
Leave it to cool and then cut it.
Bon appetit!