Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 2 pesti Lavrac - 2 Seabass fish
- o lamaie - a lemon
- 800 g cartofi noi - 800 g new potatoes
- 500 g ciuperci - 500 g of mushrooms
- o capatana de usturoi - garlic
- cateva fire de patrunjel - parsley
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- boia de ardei dulce - sweet paprika
- cimbru - thyme
- o lingura de unt - a spoon of butter
Pentru inceput curatam pestele de solzi, il crestam si il asezam intr-o tava cu unde am pus cateva linguri de ulei de masline.
We begin with: we clean the fish, we cut it and put it in a tray where I put a few tablespoons of olive oil.
Amestecam untul cu 2-3 catei de usturoi, putina paprika si cimbru. Ungem pestele pe toate partile si restul il bagam in interior. Punem in interior cateva felii de lamaie si patrunjel.
Cartofii ii ungem cu ulei de masline, sare, cimbru si paprika si ii punem in tava. Adaugam ciupercile peste care am pus putina sare si cimbru. Stropim totul cu zeama de lamaie.
Mix the butter with 2-3 cloves of garlic, a little paprika and thyme. We brush the fish on all sides, and the rest we put inside. Put some slices of lemon and parsley inside.
Brush the potatoes with olive oil, salt, thyme and paprika and put them in the pan. Add the mushrooms over which I put a little salt and thyme. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice.
Bagam la cuptor pentru 30 minute la foc potrivit. Din cand in cand mai stropim pestele cu sosul care se formeaza in tava.
I cook in the oven for 30 minutes at medium fire. From time to time we sprinkle the fish with the sauce forming in the pan.
Se serveste fierbinte cu un pahar de vin alb.
Serve hot with a glass of white wine.
Bon Appetite!