Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 kg midii - 2 kg mussels
- 4-5 catei de usturoi - 4-5 cloves of garlic
- 5-6 linguri ulei de masline - 5-6 tablespoons olive oil
- 50 ml vin alb sec - 50 ml dry white wine
- 2 rosii coapte - 2 red tomatoes- patrunjel - parsley
Spalam si curatam foarte bine scoicile. Tocam marunt usturoiul si il calim in uleiul de masline.
We wash and clean the mussels very well. Fry the garlic in the olive oil.
Adaugam midiile, vinul si rosiile tocate marunt. Acoperim cu un capac si lasam la foc mare cca 5 minute. Adaugam patrunjelul tocat si masa este gata.
Add the mussels, wine and tomatoes. Cover with a lid and let it stand for about 5 minutes. Add the chopped parsley and the table is ready.
Optional putem pune si ardei iute. Sunt delicioase!!!!!
Optionally, we can also put chilli peppers. They are delicious!!!!!
Bon appetite!