Funeralienation - Part II - Mircea

  • Postat în Diverse
  • la 25-01-2022 17:25
  • de Ada
  • 348 vizualizări


( For part I click here )


"Those bitches! I´ll cut them in half when I´ll see them. Bbbbrrrrr .... I´m freezing. Oh, here comes a truck. Please, God, please!"

Prayed Mircea while trying to stop the truck. But it passed right by him with the driver showing him the middle finger.

- Fuck you too!! (Screamed Mircea)

Suddenly the truck stopped. The driver got down furiously and grabbed Mircea by the collar saying;

- Say, what, motherfucker? C´mon, say it again!

- What?

- Were you screaming at me back there? Were you? What were you saying?

- Nothing, nothing.

- Oh, nothing, huh? I thought I heard "Fuck you!". Am I having trouble hearing? 

- No. 

- Then what? 

- I am sorry. Please forgive me. I was upset.

- Well, let me show you just...