Paste cu pui si crema de branza / Creamy Chicken Pasta

  • Postat în Life
  • la 03-03-2019 11:15
  • 297 vizualizări

Sunt cele mai cremoase si gustoase paste preparate pana acum. Cu un gust intens de branza, acest sos este senzational!
This pasta are the most creamy and tasty prepared so far. With an intense flavor of cheese, this sauce is sensational!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un piept de pui - a chicken breast
- spaghete - Spaghetti
- 250 ml smantana - 250 ml of sour cream
- 2 linguri de crema de branza simpla - 2 tablespoons of simple cheese cream
- 2 linguri de crema de branza cu rosii si busuioc - 2 tablespoons of cream cheese with tomatoes and basil
- parmezan - Parmesan
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic

Fierbem spaghetele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet.
In 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline calim puiul si usturoiul. Adaugam smanatana, parmezan si crema de branza.
Boil the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package.
Fry the chicken and garlic in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add sour cream, parmesan cheese and cheese cream.

Cand sosul s-a ingrosat adaugam spaghetele.
When the sauce is thickened, add the spaghetti.

Se servesc fierbinti cu extra topping de parmezan.
Serve hot with extra parmesan topping.

Bon appetit!

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