Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 15 biscuiti digestivi - 15 digestive biscuits
- 100 g unt topit - 100 g butter
- o cutie de ananas - A box of pineapple
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 500 g mascarpone - 500g mascarpone
- 50 ml rom - 50 ml rum
- 2-3 linguri zahar pentru frisca - eu folosesc o frisca neindulcita - 2-3 tablespoons sugar to whipped cream - I use an unsweetened whipped cream
- 20 g gelatina - 20 g gelatin
Pentru inceput maruntim biscuitii, adaugam untul topit si turnam toata compozitia intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili.
For starters Crumblethe biscuits, add the melted butter and pour the entire mixture into a form with removable walls.
Mixam frisca cu zaharul, adaugam mascarpone, ananasul facut pasta si romul. Daca la masa sunt si copii, putem adauga 2 lingurite de esenta de rom. In sucul de la compotul de ananas hidratam gelatina, apoi o punem putin la foc ca sa se dizolve complet. Adaugam gelatina peste crema.
Mix cream and sugar, add mascarpone, pineapple pasta and rum . If serve our children, we can add 2 teaspoons of rum essence. In the juice of pineapple compote hydrated gelatin, then put a little to heat to completely dissolve. Add gelatin over cream.
Adaugam compozitia peste blatul de biscuiti.
Add composition over crackers.
Acoperim cu folie alimentara si lasam la frigider minim 4 ore. Putem decora cu frisca si bucati de ananas.
Cover with foil and leave in the refrigerator at least 4 hours. We decorate with whipped cream and pineapple chunks.
Bon appetit!