Pizza Cupckes

  • Postat în Life
  • la 14-05-2017 09:27
  • 496 vizualizări

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 120 ml ulei de masline - 120 ml olive oil
- 180 ml lapte - 180 ml of milk
- 110 g branza - 110 g of hard cheese
- 225 g faina - 225 g flour
- 2 lingurite de praf de copt - 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of (baking) soda
- 75 g masline negre - 75 g of black olives
- 100 g parmezan - 100 g parmesan
- 2 linguri de ciuperci tocate marunt - 2 tablespoons of finely chopped mushrooms
- 50 g cascaval - 50 g of cheese
- 100 g salam afumat - 100 g smoked salami
- oregano, sare si piper - oregano, salt and pepper

Pregatim ingredientele .
Prepare ingredients.

Amestecam bine ouale cu laptele, condimentele, bicarbonatul, praful de cop si faina.
Beat the egg with the oil, milk, condiments, baking powder, bicarbonate and flour until well mixed.

Amestecam toate ingredientele.

Mix all the ingredients.

Turnam compozitia in formele de cupcakes si coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius cca 10-15 minute. Le testam cu o scobitoare.

Divide the mixture between the paper cases, then baked in the preaheat oven at 180 Celsius grade for 10-15 minutes.

Cand sunt gata, le scoatem si punem putin cascaval ras deasupra si mai dam la cuptor pana se topeste cascavalul - cca 1 minut.
When the cupcakes are ready, take them out and put some grated cheese over and cook until cheese melts - about 1 minutes.

Se servesc fierbinti dar sunt bune si reci ca un aperitiv.
Serve hot but they are good and cold as an appetizer.

Bon appetit!

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