Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 12 oua - 12 eggs
- 7 linguri de faina - 7 tablespoons flour
- un praf de copt - baking powder
- 12 linguri de zahar - 12 tablespoons sugar
- 7 linguri de ulei - 7 tablespoons oil
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence
- 700 g branza dulce - 700 g cheese
Pentru inceput pregatim blatul: separam 7 oua, batem spuma tare albusurile impreuna cu 7 linguri de zahar. Adaugam galbenusurile, praful de copt, esenta de vanilie, faina si uleiul. Impartim compozitia in 2 . Turnam jumatate in tava si dam la cuptor pana prinde consistenta.
First prepare the cake: separate 7 eggs, beat egg whites hard foam with 7 tablespoons of sugar. Add the egg yolks, baking powder, vanilla, flour and oil. Divide mixture into two. Pour into pan and give to baked untilconsistency.
Crema de branza se pregateste astfel: se mixeaza branza impreuna cu zaharul, 5 oua si esenta de vanilie. Turnam compozitia peste jumatatea de blat.
Cream cheese prepared as follows: mix cheese with sugar, 5 eggs and vanilla. Pour over the dough.
Turnam restul de compozitie si lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste.
Pour remaining composition and leave in the oven until is golden brown.
Deasupra presaram zahar pudra.
Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.
Bon Appetite!