Strudel cu mere / Apple strudel

  • Postat în Life
  • la 11-01-2017 13:03
  • 438 vizualizări

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg de mere - 1 kg of apples
- un pachet de foi de placinta subtiri - A package of thin sheets of pie
- o lingurita de scortisoara - One teaspoon of cinnamon
- zahar dupa gust - Sugar to taste
- jumatate pachet de unt topit - Half pack of butter

Merele le dam pe razatoare , adaugam zaharul si scortisoasa. Punem la foc mic pana se rumenesc merele.
We grated the Apples add sugar and cinnamon. Put on low heat until the apples is browned.

Topim untul si ungem fiecare foaie in parte.
La un strudel intra 2 foi .
Punem merele in partea de jos si indoim foile ca in imagine. Rulam strudelul.
We Melt the butter and Brush each sheet separately.
We use 2 sheets at a strudel.
Put apples in the bottom of the sheet and folded sheets like in the picture. We run strudel.

Punem rulourile intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, le ungem cu unt topit si le bagam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.
We put the strudels on a tray lined with baking paper, Brush them with melted butter and stuffing them in the oven until nicely browned.

Le servim calde sau reci cu zahar pudra.
Pofta buna!
We serve hot or cold with powdered sugar.

Bon Appetite!

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