Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un pachet de foi triunghiulare Yufka - A package of sheets Yufka triangular
- 300 g branza de oaie - 300 g sheep cheese
- 50 de grame cascaval - 50 grams cheese
- 120 ml lapte - 120 ml of milk
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o legatura de marar - A bunch of dill
- 50 g chimen - 50 g cumin
- o lingura de mac - A tablespoon of poppy
Am gasit aceste foi Yufka si mi s-au parut destul de interesante. Sunt foi subtiri, turcesti din care se pot face tot felul de placinte. Erau si dreptunghiulare, dar am luat triunghiulare si reteta este cea de pe pachet.
I found these Yufka sheets and I thought were quite interesting. Are thinTurkish sheets that can be use to make all kinds of pies. There were rectangular and triangular , I made the recipe on the package.
Punem intr-un castron branza, 60 ml lapte, un ou, chimenul si mararul tocat marunt.
We put cheese in a bowl, add 60 ml milk, egg, cumin and chopped dill.
Separat amestecam 60 ml lapte si un ou. Cu acest amestec ungem "tigaretele".
Punem 1-2 lingurite din compozitie la baza triunghiului si rulam. Ungem cu putina apa rece varful si lipim.
Separately mix 60 ml milk and egg. With this mixture Brush "cigarettes".
Put 1-2 teaspoons of composition at the base of the triangle and roll. Brush top with some cold water and stick.
Le ungem cu compozitia de ou si lapte si deasupra presaram mac. Le dam la cuptor pentru 35 minute.
Brush them with egg and milk composition and sprinkle over poppy. We give them in the oven for 35 minutes.
Bon appetit!