• Lupta pentru supravieţuire a început. “Zona Zero” de Lavinia Călina – Recenzie 193

    Cartea a apărut la Editura Herg Benet şi poate fi comandată de AICI Atunci când vine vorba de Lavinia Călina şi de romanele ei, nu simt că mă avânt pe un teren înşelător, nu pornesc lectura cu emoţii şi cu uzualele îndoieli care mă fac să mă întreb dacă îmi va plăcea sau nu cartea, dacă mă va fascina sau mă va dezamăgi. Nu, nu e deloc cazul, am mai citit trei titluri ale autoarei, şi

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  • bound to be happy... 282

    we sharpen the bread knife. we spread the bilberry jam on the white bread slice with the blade of the knife. clouds after clouds gather over our heads. it almost smells like rain you tell me how beautiful it will be when it will rain. how good it will be the very next moment. we […]

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  • condamnați la fericire... 272

    ascuțim cuțitul de tăiat pâinea.  întindem cu lama cuțitului dulceața de afine pe felia albă de pâine.  vine nor după nor deasupra noastră.  aproape că miroase a ploaie ce frumos va fi când va ploua îmi spui tu.  atât de bine va fi în clipa următoare. povestim unul cu altul despre marginea de timp pe care ședem spate în spate.  o palmă de pământ din care nu vom evada niciodată. în definitiv ce

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  • the wisdom of the ground... 253

    you are not worth yet the price of a mustard seed you lived neither 7 years of drought nor 3 nights without a day through the core of your eyes you let inside a hurry-scurry of swarming cherry petals flocks of crowned swans sunrises with a purple mantle and all the vain beauty of this […]

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  • jagged... 299

    life is jagged it sticks with doggish eyes to your ankle and asks for fondling at the border of the wasteland where the long black engine whistles from time to time but life is jagged and has no pity alike the human brain seen under microscope it has an extended area if you unfold it […]

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  • bagatelle... 296

    what can I say revered audience form the underground of two millennia life is beautiful my esteemed contemporaries from the Moon to the Sun it is a long time life is so beautiful and has such deep eyes regardless of their color it cries torrential tears and it fights like a sea that is forced […]

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  • (iunie 2016)... 256

    și plângea rouă amară din frunze de salcieși mă făceam că sunt statuiepe vremea când soarele asfințeaca o ghiulea deasupra primei vertebre cervicale eu sunt femeia din ținutul de mijlocacolo nu mai sunt flori negre de multiar restul oamenilorau mai crescut încă puțin din aripi

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  • Home Improvement Tips For The Not So Handy Person... 250

    When preparing to make improvements on your home, it would be wise to have the most information possible about home repairs. You do not need to be a carpenter to follow the tips given in the following article. These tips are easy to follow and can help you succeed in improving your home. When you are a seller wanting to make your home look its very best for buyers, one of the most common things that you can do is to work on your yard and outside appearance. Check your light fixtures to make sure that they are clean and working and replace them if you nee

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  • Osho - Cartea despre femei (Fragmente)... 319

    <!--... Read more ...

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  • antifeminism... 303

    my ladies why did you let your men make you manlike I don’t think about the beer that you gurgle beside them nor about the steering wheel the ceremonial pipe or the new chemical elements but I think about comfy pants and comfy bras or boyish haircut and for God’s sake even on your face […]

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