freedomless freedom

sofly eight fourgoten thotsbeiound what i normaly think there are ghide lines that maintein the flow of activ thinking on a pre defined road trip so the normal thing to do is to find the previous valid line that was prealterd so that it can be freed by its bounding bordains that brought it to this state. this neans finding the first lair of thinking so  i had to dig benith the experiences that influences my standard actual tinking and recreating it by ignoring post previous alterations and redryving on a  path that resecures a unbanned smoth track through unaltered thinking. but this means i have to redifine my actual memories founded on unwanted experiences by unexperimenting on standard definitions altered reality and redescovering a original seed of engine that starts acknoleging unexperienced experimented life so all that i have to do is name a way of experience and experience it by a post predefined norm for example freedom as we know it is everithing that previously broke some...