neco crono

 48 de vieti purtate cu demnitate

some say she went to see who rained from haven with angel feathers for cats to catch them as they fall and take them back to where they belonged where life although unfair but as fair as we are and we make it in our own  image and as we are going with it with all the choices that we make or not become not our ones but life becomes ourselves in the place that we happen to be with only the clothes that we wear at the time knowing that we are what we are remembered by for those who have something to remember us by and then when all we can remember our self's by from our memories become none but our ones and you can see clearly who you are and how others would like you to be and you see old people saying they are waiting to move on but life lets them wait to see life begin again and feel sad to live as life just begins again but their beginnings can not be lost in time as life moves on with new ones and then as life changes into new clothes yo...