48 times wanting everything for a short period of time.
loosing my own style for a different more approachable way of showing what I am thinking so here it is
. for another time, this shoes you that nothing lasts forever but everything can be lost in a glimpse of time.
most of the times I was writing for the fun of it to find unknown meanings of words and to discover more than I meant to say and then the past travels back into the future to tell me that everything is going to be ok. in my solitude I wondered what I had to do to get out of this state of mind without the usual dose of timeless joy that kicks the joy of life out of my brain as fast as it reached the climax but when all the things seemed to be aligned for the next event it all comes to a sudden crush against forward-moving gravity and puts you into a sudden stop to show you that everything isn't meaningless when the brain urges for the acceptable images that are requested like a stop to a gas sta