48 theories describing divine existence
so if i undersrtand wright light travels at a speed in whitch time stops to exist and if light is accelerated beiond its speed it tends to travel back in time reversing the energy of the atomic fusion that it toock to be accelerated at that speed but lacking the mater to discharge its energi similar to the one that created it it just creates a materles void of energy distorting space into the shape or shade of the object that pushed light to its speed. like a space reflection of the origin of light and it just exists as long as light is fed into it. but this means that matter is just self aknoledged light that doesnt travel liniar but has found a algoritmic dimention in witch it can thavel freely withowt traveling through space liniarely this means that atoms are timeles particles of light vibrating within itself existing inside a timeles particle of time decelarated into levels wave lenghts delimited by vibrations and so on ju...