48 theories describing divine existence
so if i undersrtand wright light travels at a speed in whitch time stops to exist and if light is accelerated beiond its speed it tends to travel back in time reversing the energy of the atomic fusion that it toock to be accelerated at that speed but lacking the mater to discharge its energi similar to the one that created it it just creates a materles void of energy distorting space into the shape or shade of the object that pushed light to its speed. like a space reflection of the origin of light and it just exists as long as light is fed into it. but this means that matter is just self aknoledged light that doesnt travel liniar but has found a algoritmic dimention in witch it can thavel freely withowt traveling through space liniarely this means that atoms are timeles particles of light vibrating within itself existing inside a timeles particle of time decelarated into levels wave lenghts delimited by vibrations and so on just like the light that doesnt change speed when driven into a spiralistic deviaton when gliding around the surface of an object this way creating hierarhical aparent wave lenghts depicted as coloures. but beiond a cestain wave lenght it coincides with the wave lenght emited by certain matter
if u mesure our time by the movement of an object on earth traveling around earth in a singhe spot around the axis and if we move an other object in the atmosfere it will have to move faster to keep up above the initial object measuring a slower time and another one faster acording to the first object in the measurement of time setted by the first object and one by its own movement around the axes of earth. but if a higher speed that an object has the capacitie to track time is one of the speed of light and from that point on it just becomes a timeles floting object in the fabrick of space than space is just the remenance print of a previous existence that sustained life in a timeles and moveles universalized shape. this means that at a certain distance above a certain point on earth a other poit travels at the speed of timeles light just to keep up to the poit of the rotation of the earth this means that there is a timeles belt aroun in witch the caracteristics of a timeles hevan can exist and in the center of the earth or beiond there is an other poin that travels back in time or to an extent is stuck in time as a consecince of a certain act creating the oposit of hevan but the filosofy of this place may be a imaginary oposition of the will that guverns evetrything on a certain pre oreder path foloed by the will of staing alife.
this means that the biblical people truly lived longer acordin to the slowing speed of earth around its axis. but was there a time in witch man existet in the movement of time at the speed of light actualy creating the inpresion of timelesness in light and what if the divinity talks about a material light in witch he resides and identifies with and sets it in the first day of creation withouth a source that originates as a an object that emits light or acelerates mater into timelesnes this meanst that accelerating mater at the speed of light is just modifying its nature into a native retroactive origin. and the emiting ligth of the sun is the whay that it falls into the path that it creates by emyting the light in its way and light falling in the places that spaces alredy had traks like a river finding its way into its dry bed.
p.s. some times the impretion that a personal experience can be shared is not creatin the same experience in someone that listens this means that if i understand that love is the fuel that existence hangs on fom its creator in the space and time that we exist and it is the same short cut to eternity just by recreating its steps from history and that the experience of love can be used in the right way or the oposit way creatin the selfish void that everithing fals due to its preexistin condition does not mean that the moral compas or contiosnes or free will or the little voice or the sixt sence that tells us the diference betwin good and bad does not led us to the path that recircumcises our soul to its original state