Articole postate de Nicoleta

  • Mr. Hublot... 431

    I really like animated movies, and short ones are a delicious cupcake for me. So, today we have “Mr. Hublot”. Mr. Hublot is a “withdrawn, idiosyncratic character with OCD, scared of change and the outside world.” As well characterized on IMDB. He reminds me in a way of Max from the animated movie “Mary and […]

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  • Open water 1+2... 405

    So in search for some shark movies, i stumbled upon “Open water”. And due to the fact that it has also a sequel, i said ok to both of them. So, “Open water 1”: The movie has a visual that will (maybe) hurt your eyes, due to the fact that it`s shot in realistic mode […]

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  • [rec] 4... 426

    So, as i said, i came back with number 4. This is a movie filled with action and you`ll see the approach regarding the deadly “virus” that took over the building in [rec] 1. Yes, a virus. I was intrigued by the beginning of this movie because it starts where it was left off in […]

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  • [rec] 3... 411

    Because i said that i will come back with an opinion regarding [rec] 3. In the other post i mentioned that [rec] 3 was directed by Paco Plaza. And that Paco left his imprint in the “war” of the zombies. Now the description given by IMDB is that these aren`t at all zombies but the […]

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  • [rec] 1+2... 432

              Now, it`s time to talk about two of my favorite movies: [rec] 1+2.     You have to have in consideration that both of them were directed by Juame Balagueró and Paco Plaza. Also, there is a thing that`s quite really good if you look at it this way: the 3rd […]

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  • We are what we are... 398

    So, in search for more thrilling movies, i stumbled upon this one. It`s a very fresh outlook on the movie market (from 2013). A new approach, new faces (at least for me) and very good acting from their part. I must admit there were some bits that i wanted just to slap them on the […]

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  • Green room... 436

    So again on this road… I was interested in this movie because it was nominated on for the best horror movie. It all starts with a fresh punk band on an interview (that`s the beginning for me) before a gig, a gig that was in a dinner, a typical dinner for America. Now, due […]

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  • Misery…oh, you sweet delight…... 427

    So, again with Misery. I like to state that everyone in their insanity has a bit of reason. And with this, we move on… I enjoyed this movie because of 4 things: the fluidity of writing novels – i mean the guy just finished to write a novel and in the face of death he starts […]

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  • AVP 1/2?... 424

    Soooo…..movies, again…  vs   I`ve been watching this past month only trilogies or series, and i`ve stumble upon Alien vs Predator. So i thought that it would be nice to re-watch the Alien series, and then i saw AVP 1 and 2. And i observed that while AVP 1 has put an accent on the […]

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  • Hai să vorbim despre filme…... 268

    Hai să vorbim despre filme… În speţă filmele horror. Nu destul că nu mai sunt cinefili în rândul boborului, dar să găseşti pe cineva căruia să-i placă filmele horror e ca şi cum ai căuta acul în carul cu fân. Din discuţii în discuţii mai dădeam peste persoane care erau la curent cu industria cinematografică, […]

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  • Vine Craciunul…... 288

    Si se apropie cu pasi repezi acea perioada a anului in care tre sa iei brad, tre sa iei cadouri, tre sa duci copii in parcurile special amenajate pentru ei si sa ii dai in toate chestii, sa le iei dulciuri de sa dea in diabet si tot asa… Pe scurt se apropie perioada aceea […]

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  • Ardei si Ardeiushe…... 263

    O zi normala ca oricare alta, mai insorita ca restul ce o fost, si totusi in calendar zice ca-i 30.11. Deci tre sa spunem „sa traiasca cu numele” Andreilor si Andreelor+alte derivate. Un pic cam dubioasa urarea asta, ca doar nu si-o schimba numele si nu o sa traiasca cu el. Dar azi se face […]

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  • Din nou…... 326

    Și cu ziua de azi am pus punct. Nu o să mai fie „de la capăt” sau „getting back on the horse”. Mă opresc și aleg altă cale. Când încerci și nu îți iese, înseamnă că abordarea e greșită și tre recalculat tot drumul…așa că din dreapta fac stânga (sau viceversa – aviz pentru ăi […]

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