• James P. Hogan - Endgame Enigma... 398

    Vorbim aici despre un roman scris în 1987, peste care nu aș fi dat dacă nu aș fi căutat un altfel de Endgame, anume acea minune scrisă de James Frey, minune care și-a făcut un super-promo-hype-reclamă cu vestea despre un mare premiu de sute de mii de dolari acordat celui care descrifrează cimiliturile din cadrul cărții, cimilituri bazate pe numere și culori ... ei bine, din punctul meu de vedere a dat chix într-un stil grandios, pentru că premisa cărții e muuult mai tîmpită decît media - iar eu sînt destul de tolerant la tîmpenii, cu condiția să mă mintă mișto. Cu toate astea cartea lui  nu incită nici la urmărirea acțiunii, oarecum lîncedă, nici la dezlegarea ghicitorilor, căci în ea sînt înșirate fără noimă pentru mine o grămadă de numere (coordonate geografice mai mult), nu mai zic de culori ...

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  • Primul Pas... 337

    O distanță de mii de km începe întodeauna cu primul pas. Și nu contează când începi ci cum începi. Î-mi place un proverb Turcesc care spune: ,,Nu contează cât de departe ai ajuns pe drumul cel rău, totdeauna poți să te întorci pe drumul cel bun,, De mic copil aveam o problemă cu publicul. Eram... Continue Reading →

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  • Cartea nu are vacanță... 355

    Cartea nu are vacanță, de altfel ca și dezvoltarea personală, ce presupune detectarea defectelor personale și purtarea unei lupte continue pentru a le anihila. De aceea, orice carte citită în plus, modelează cioturi din aspectele caracterului nostru. Așa deci, într-o societate care se învârte cu puterea gândului, trebuie să reușești să ții pasul. În caz... Continue Reading →

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  • Jose Antonio Marina – Inteligenţa eşuată... 369

    Definiţii acceptate ale prostiei: Să faci acelaşi lucru aşteptând rezultate diferite. Să nu te adaptezi realităţii (infelxibilitatea), să nu înţelegi ce ţi se întâmplă, să fii incapabil să-ţi rezolvi problemele afective, sociale sau politice Să greşeşti în mod sistematic, să-ţi propui scopuri absurde sau să te încăpăţânezi în folosirea unor mijloace ineficiente de a atinge […]

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  • Review: A Song for Julia by Charles Sheehan-Miles... 266

    Hi!I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas! :)Before I get to the end of the year posts, here's one more recommendation from me: A Song for Julia (Thompson Sisters #1) by Charles Sheehan-MilesRelease date: December 5th 2012 by Cincinnatus PressFormat: Paperback, 374 pagesGoodreads: Everyone should have something to rebel against. Crank Wilson left his South Boston home at sixteen to start a punk band and burn out his rage at the world. Six years later, he’s s

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  • Fang Girl by Helen Keeble: Guest Post & Giveaway 258

    Hi everyone!I have a super fun guest post and a giveaway to share with you today! We all need our fun vampire fix from time to time, don't you think? ;) But first, some info on the book I'm talking about: Fang Girl by Helen KeebleRelease date: September 11th 2012by HarperTeen

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  • 99 Authors, 99 Titles for 99 Cents ($990 worth of prizes) 233

    Hi guys!I know it's a busy time of the year and I'm not even going to mention the other thing that's supposed to happen today, but I think some awesome prizes and book sales would be more than welcome!This event is hosted by Buymereadme.com:Some of the prizes are: $500, Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7", Amazon Paperwhite, $75, $50, $25, $20 Amazon Gift Cards. Just follow the banner bellow and you'll find everything you need about the 99 cents books and how to enter to win the prizes offered by the authors participating in this event. These prices are available on Amazon only. For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click

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  • Blog Tour - A Song for Julia by Charles Sheehan-Miles (Giveaway) 252

    Hi guys!A Song for Julia is the second book in the Thompson Sisters series, a New Adult Contemporary series I'm getting seriously addicted to. If you recall, I read the first book, Just Remember to Breathe, a while ago and I really loved it (my review). Julia is Alex's older sister, we met her briefly in Just Remember to Breathe and I was very excited to read her story as well! And it was even better than the first! I'll get on that in my review later, but for now, here's some info on the book and a huge giveaway for you! A Song for Julia (

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  • Review: Valkyrie Rising (Valkyrie #1) by Ingrid Paulson 257

    Hey guys!Long time no see! I hope everyone is doing great!:) I haven't got that much time to read and blog lately, but I should have a few reviews posted soon. Valkyrie Rising (Valkyrie #1) by Ingrid PaulsonPublished: October 9th 2012 by HarperTeenFormat: Hardcover, 352 pagesGoodreads: Nothing ever happens in Norway. But at least Ellie knows what to expect when she visits her grandmother: a tranquil fishing village and long, slow summer days. And maybe she’ll finally get out from under

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  • Cover Reveal: Back to You by Priscilla Glenn... 241

    Hi guys! Back to You has been on my radar for a while now, it seems to fit my New Adult Contemp addiction just right. So I'm excited to share the new cover with you today! *Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

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