Far beyond the mighty Caputalis mountains, in the deep and dense jungle of Uligo, the Shrine of Umbra was animated by coats of many horses. Mares, foals and stallions, all stood around the Shrine, enjoying the few sun rays that escaped through the tree branches. Foals chased one another, mares groomed their coats or crafted delicious treats for their herd while stallions spared in tests of strength and patrolled.

The Abyssanctum herd was the permanent inhabitant herd of Uligo, always near the Shrine, guarding it and enjoying the energy it gave them. From time to time other herds came to the Shrine but rarely incidents happened, the herd known to be peaceful and open to other herds, Azazel known to help from time to time herds or horses in need. Over the course of years, several mares that were held hostage by their stallions asked Azazel for assistance, the black stallion immediately taking action and sending all herd to release the mare. However, once attacked, the stallion...