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    Adriana Elena

    Sunt acea persoana linistita care nu vorbeste decat daca este intrebata, sunt acea persoana care ramane mereu in umbra si priveste in liniste. Sunt acea persoana care isi vede de drum fara ca cei din jur sa ii stie gandurile. Sunt acea persoana al carui inner sanctum nu il afiseaza. Sunt acea persoana pe care probabil nu vei ajunge niciodata sa o cunosti…

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Articole postate de Adriana Elena

  • One step at a time... 235

    So many negative feeling begin to enshroud me once again. I feel like I have never ever accomplished anything, I feel like all I do is not worth it in the end or that nothing is worthy of anything. I always have so many ideas, so many things I wish to get one day done, […]

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  • Noctis Astrum IV – Leap of Faith... 238

    It’s been years since I’ve last time heard his voice. It was still fresh in my mind as he was part of me. The path I flew upon was not just for anyone and he certainly was careful with the souls he chose to leave his mark upon. My mentor always pushed me to extend […]

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  • Noctis Astrum III... 256

    “I know you are there.” Her voice slowly spoke to the dark figure that awaited her in the dark of the night. With no reason to remain hidden, the shadow stepped out of its hiding as she turned her head to glance at him. ‘’Your senses are still vigilant, I take it.’ Her mentor sat […]

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  • Writing Contest Entry – placed 1st –... 248

    Won in the writing contest hosted by an user from wajas.com Won 23.05.2018 Birthday wish I saw the stars falling down to Lunaria. She was there. And I saw her. Years passed over me and it was once again my birthday. My eyes closed out in sadness and sorrow, hating with all my being that […]

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  • Tears of the Divine... 247

    „Here it is.” His soft voice got carried along with the spring wind. The night slowly engulfed Lunaria, giving it’s lands an enigmatic feel. The two Divines climbed up the hill, their paws embedded in the soft warm soil. Reaching their destination, Xibalba rose his gaze to the very top, following with his eyes the […]

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  • Waja’s Writing competition – 1st place winning 254

      Entry one Name / ID: Occultess / 136244 The Chosen Waja: The Chosen Divine, Zarek Edit: Placed 1st with this entry Story: I remember that night as it was yesterday. The night my beloved family fell prey to a strange dark apparition that attached us. I will never forgive myself for being unable to […]

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  • Noctis Astrum II – The farewell... 359

    Silence. Silence engulfed the dark sky as a fading light made its way to the earth, falling, forever lost and left behind. He closed his eyes as he laid broken and beaten upon the cold ground, no trace of life around. A soft and warm breeze caressed his face as he looked above. In the […]

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  • Noctis Astrum... 269

    He looked upon the sky, alone and afraid in the darkness of the night. Right above the misty clouds, the light enshrouded in a web came from the brightest of stars. All of them laid there, in their eternal spots, waiting,  watching. Some were brighter, other were darker, each glow the witness of their power. […]

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    Far beyond the mighty Caputalis mountains, in the deep and dense jungle of Uligo, the Shrine of Umbra was animated by coats of many horses. Mares, foals and stallions, all stood around the Shrine, enjoying the few sun rays that escaped through the tree branches. Foals chased one another, mares groomed their coats or crafted […]

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  • Chapter 12 – Birth of the Demigod... 272

    The couple continued to travel towards Exilis, making a stop in Lenio Forest at Nox’s Shrine for a short communing with the Goddess of Death. Meanwhile, Azazel continued to train his abilities and understood better how the shadows did, learning to get answers from the silence. Slowly, their Caterva got a name on their own, […]

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