Noctis Astrum III

  • Postat în Personal
  • la 27-09-2018 15:52
  • 299 vizualizări
Noctis Astrum III
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Occultess

“I know you are there.”

Her voice slowly spoke to the dark figure that awaited her in the dark of the night. With no reason to remain hidden, the shadow stepped out of its hiding as she turned her head to glance at him.

‘’Your senses are still vigilant, I take it.’ Her mentor sat down near her as she stood in silence watching the peaceful moon. “You may be one with the darkness, but there is no reason for you to remain here.’’

Her mentors’ words struck her in the deepest and oldest wound, the blood long ago drained but the cut still fresh. ‘’I’d prefer to remain home, away from the ones that are not as us.’’

Azazel lowered his head annoyed at the stubborn dragoness that stood right beside him. His eyes glowed a deep blue, a spark of his ancient wisdom. The white horse skull that covered his face reflected the glowing of his eyes, its massive horns stretching to the night sky.

‘’ Your place is not here yet. Go back in the world and fulfill your destiny.’’

The dragoness stood up and faced Azazel with hatred in her eyes. It was not hatred towards him, but towards his words and herself. “Spread your wings to the sky…” his words echoed. Her massive tail shattered the ground hearing his words.

‘’How can I reach the unlimited sky if my wings are limited?’’ shouted the dragoness. ‘’What do you know about mortal feelings?’’ Azazel ignored her challenge and remained silent. ‘’All you do is come to me and say words with no meaning.’’ Azazel rolled his eyes as he walked towards the edge of the mountain they stood upon.

‘’Remember the night I told you to have trust in me? Have you forgotten it? You had always failed to fully listen to me.’’

‘’There is no use, I give up.’’

‘’Nothing will come if you give up. Hit the walls, let yourself stabbed by the unknown. Walk blindly in the darkness, and the darkness shall grant you vision. Not the vision to see, but to perceive.’’

Surprised by his words the dragoness rose her head to the sky.

‘’Don’t you dare look up to the light when you walked all your life thought darkness.’’

Azazel’s last words struck back in the old wound, countless memories unfolding themselves before them, materializing in the thin air out of his will. “The light never gave you an answer, and it will never will.’’

Trying to ignore the demon behind her that tried to convince her to leave, she scouted the surrounding from the stone throne she called home. Bellow her wings, on the plains that stretched around the mountain base, resided a group of dragons, all carrying their mundane lives.

The dragoness never left her homeland, the group being the only creatures of her species she ever knew. None proved to be a suitable mate for her.

Before spreading her wings and took flight, Azazel’s words echoed one last time.

”Look out for the signs.”

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