Writing Contest Entry – placed 1st –

Won in the writing contest hosted by an user from wajas.com Won 23.05.2018

Birthday wish

I saw the stars falling down to Lunaria. She was there. And I saw her.

Years passed over me and it was once again my birthday. My eyes closed out in sadness and sorrow, hating with all my being that day. Every fiber of me despised that cursed day, the day I came on this useless world, and the day she meet her cruel fate. The very day I was born, she died, right as she brought me to life. Her last breath, was my first breath.

My father never wanted to see me. The elders of the cave said he was from a different part of Lunaria, others said he never wanted to see me since my mother died because I was born. But I will never forget what the oldest Divine from the cave told me. „She gave her life so you could live. She loved you more than her own life. Cherish the gift she left you.”

But no matter what everybody said, I was still sad wh...