Noctis Astrum

He looked upon the sky, alone and afraid in the darkness of the night. Right above the misty clouds, the light enshrouded in a web came from the brightest of stars. All of them laid there, in their eternal spots, waiting,  watching. Some were brighter, other were darker, each glow the witness of their power. The weaker the glow, the harder the stars were to be seen. But deep beneath their light, in their primordial core resided their power, the vitality that once with each passing of the night could expand until their full potential.

He looked upon the weakest of the stars, barely able to bear her own light, the power of the surrounding stars threatening to consume her any moment. With no second thought, he grabbed the star into his hands and looked upon it, hoping for answers. But the light was too weak, unable to guide him on his path. Saddened, he looked upon the other stars, brighter and stronger. Intimidated, he did not reach for the strongest of them, and instead acc...