Tears of the Divine

  • Postat în Personal
  • la 19-03-2018 22:38
  • 288 vizualizări
Tears of the Divine
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Occultess

„Here it is.”
His soft voice got carried along with the spring wind.

The night slowly engulfed Lunaria, giving it’s lands an enigmatic feel. The two Divines climbed up the hill, their paws embedded in the soft warm soil. Reaching their destination, Xibalba rose his gaze to the very top, following with his eyes the ancient branches of the old tree. The branches abruptly ended, seeming that a part of its core went missing.

„I can sense your thoughts as you watch the ripped branches. There is were I emerged from when Apollo came to me. There is the spot were I and the tree became one.”

Xibalba watched his father, lost in thoughts. How could one become one with the land, he thought for himself. „What do you mean when you say you became one with the tree?” asked Xibalba.

„I fell in a coma, and the branches entangled around me, giving me protection. My coma connected me to the land, feeling it’s heartbeat. I didn’t transform in a tree, of course.” joked Zarek as a faded smile formed on Xibalba’s lips.

Above the ancient tree, light descended from the stars, gently making its way to the earth. The light separated in several glowing orbs and they begun to dance in the wind. Zarek glanced at them in wonder, soon understanding what they were. His son, mesmerized, remained frozen in place watching the glowing spheres. The wise Divine rose its paw in the air, allowing an orb to rest in its soft fur. He soon realized who they were and a tear glided down its cheek. Upon hitting the ground, the tear hardened and became a light blue colored pearl.

Legends spoke of the Divines as being heavenly creatures, so enigmatic that nobody ever saw them cry. Touching the soul of a Divine was considered an impossible task as they rarely showed their true emotions to those around them. It was believed that their tears possessed magical powers able to heal death and decay, powers that could resurrect or destroy entire worlds.

„What are those?” whispered Xibalba as he glanced at the orb in Zarek’s paw.
„They are the soul of my family. The family I’ve lost that cursed night, the family I failed to protect.”

A second orb flew around Xibalba’s head until stopping and resting on his nose. Tears continued to flow down Zarek’s cheeks, all transforming in pearls at the roots of the tree. Sensing his son’s questions, Zarek spoke.

„They came to pay me their last visit. They had forgive me for my failure and are ready to go beyond the stars, leaving this world for all eternity.”

Xibalba gathered the pearls as he listened to his father. Zarek reached to his paw and took all the pearls, crushing them in a fine powder. As the orb begun to ascent to the sky, Zarek spread the powder to the sky, the wind carrying it beyond their realm. The dust formed new stars to light the night sky.

„We Divines are descendants of the Gods. Once our soul is touched, our tears reveal themselves. Our tears are known as the Tears of the Divines, and their powder guide the lost souls to pass beyond our world, and join the night sky as stars. They are now there, up in the universe. This is one of our duties, to guide the souls towards their eternal peace.”

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