Waja’s Writing competition – 1st place winning


Entry one

Name / ID: Occultess / 136244

The Chosen Waja: The Chosen Divine, Zarek

Edit: Placed 1st with this entry


I remember that night as it was yesterday. The night my beloved family fell prey to a strange dark apparition that attached us. I will never forgive myself for being unable to protect them, to fight for their lives.

A sharp pain hit me, blurring my vision as I tried to banish the dark figure. I closed my eyes and fell from the night sky, all my senses long gone. My beaten body fell upon a mighty and ancient tree.

Its branched soon entangled around me, offering me protection. I was well aware of what was happening around me and Lunaria. I became one with the land, and the land became one with me, feeling its breath and pain even tho I was in a deep coma.

Eons passed and at last my eye opened once again. He was ther...