Dads, your role is invaluable to your children

The importance of fathers in the family is often overlooked. While mothers are celebrated in poems, songs, and special days, fathers are frequently left in silence. Occasionally, a blogger might publicly thank her husband, a dedicated father.

Having witnessed the struggles between parents vying for importance, I can appreciate the lessons life has taught me. I’ve experienced, observed, suffered, and judged, all leading to my desire for mutual happiness and appreciation within the family. While I can’t change the past, I aim to foster a loving and appreciative family environment.

In Romanian society, but not exclusively, child-rearing often falls predominantly on mothers, along with the associated responsibilities. Mothers are credited with sacrifices and heroism, while fathers are often seen as mere assistants. This perception needs to change.

Many women, whether young or older mothers believe that men’s roles are limited to providing for the family an...