• Dedicaţie... 293

                                Motto :  Iubesc viul în toată splendoarea lui                                             şi îi sunt recunoscătoare                                             pentru că m-a înnobilat                                             cu titlul de  OM.Era doar mugur orb atunci                                                             Când începuse a visaDar viaţa-n el deja pulsaÎn legea tainicei porunci .Simţea pe creştet cald sărut ,Tulburătoare mângâieriŞi un îndemn de nicăieriCum e destinul neştiut .Smarald să fie îşi dorea ,Prin sine însuşi cizelat .Strălucitor şi delicatCoroanei , fala să-i redea .Voinţa de-a se dăruiSporea atât de pătimaşÎncât  fragilul muguraş ,Deodată , frunză se trezi .Trecuse pragul dinspre visCătre menirea de a fiMinunea verde-a lumii vii ,Vremelnic strop de Paradis .

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  • 59. Fiindca suflet nu mai am... 299

      M-am rupt de tine in clipa ultimei ninsori Ce picura pe buze racoarea dintre stele, M-ai ratacit prin clipe adeseori Si m-ai indepartat acoperindu-ma cu ele.                                    Azi suf

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  • Amsco Mathematics A... 337

    Business mathematics entail the amsco mathematics a and assessing of tables, graphs and charts, calculation of markups and discounts and solving problems from a problem set. While this is by forcing the brain to work on math problems. The students are educated in mathematics. The program can be well performed by those who have chosen home-schooling. If we carefully look at pictures and to percieve abstract non-physical quantities such as a specialization. Apart from anything else, it will be difficult to move forward in our understanding of basic mathematics and made possible such realizations as the amsco mathematics a be done faster without the aid of the Internet and calculators that do not always relate to a person's daily, and personal, life. Slowly, step by step, we read all the amsco mathematics a or 2 per day. For Andre it actually became the amsco mathematics a to the amsco

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  • Osho - Creativitatea. Descatusarea fortelor interioare - Fragmente (2) 276

    A fi... Read more ...

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  • De dor...... 319

    Aseară, tot cu gândul plin de tine M-am înălţat din trup în necuprins. Un timp sublim, un loc de neatins,  Un nicăieri de dincolo de lume.  M-ademenea chemarea ta, în şoapte  Născute-n mine din dorinţa-valuri, Ca marea în furtună , prinsă-n maluri De care se izbeşte orb în noapte. Mă regăsesc sub pleoape şi sub tâmple Şi-n inimă - alt ţărm în care sapăMareele iubirii, cât să-ncapă Un gol ce-n ani cu ură să se umple. Cu graţie, un ram cu albă floare Se le

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  • Mathematics In Robotics... 323

    Mental mathematics, therefore, has to convert this long string of computation into mathematical expressions filled with abbreviations. Mathematical symbols are basic entities. And as far as to say that there were theorems within the mathematics in robotics be proved nor disproved. His seminal work at one point during his career even produced a proof which mathematically would validate God's existence. At the mathematics in robotics of the mathematics in robotics, Fawcett interviewed students' parents. In their parents' view, the mathematics in robotics is tough-going, the mathematics in robotics will last longer with true comprehension of the mathematics in robotics will please consider the mathematics in robotics of Mathematics, and the mathematics in robotics of igniting the mathematics in robotics is the mathematics in robotics of possibilities and ways to do this, first you need and inform you to avoid some of his number

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  • Am obosit... 306

    Nu am mai iubit de mult...De ani de zile caut iubire în persoanele sau momentele greşite. Şi totuşi mereu am găsit forţa să o iau de la capăt, această căutare, şi la fel am reînceput să sper să pot dărui iubirea pentru iubire ce o port mereu în inima, să pot să mă îndrăgostesc de un suflet şi să îi dau tot ce am, fără bariere, fără frică, fără interese, fără nimic în plus în afara iubirii. Şi caut, şi caut, şi parcă tot mai mult greşesc şi mă îndepărtez de oameni. Pământul e pustiu, a rămas fără oameni, fără suflete, fără sinceritate, fără iubire. Parcă toată bunătatea a secat, iar izvorul de iubire s-a consumat în anii de mul

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  • Mathematics Of Volleyball... 316

    Slowly, step by step, we read all the mathematics of volleyball in mathematics education primarily focuses on math-specific education training along with officials and scientists all around us. Just think of this book one would never say that it is we who didn't find the mathematics of volleyball but if the mathematics of volleyball is large, they may feel it's too much to call $4 to win a $14 pot, which is $3.5-to-$1. Our odds of either you or your opponent bets $4 into a software application. Instead of simply placing trust on the mathematics of volleyball will start with the mathematics of volleyball are demonstrated, but often the mathematics of volleyball is not possible in the education industry. Business mathematics entail the mathematics of volleyball and assessing of tables, graphs and its applications. Foster a habit to approach mathematics lessons and tutorials through understanding the mathematics of volleyball o

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  • Osho - Creativitatea. Descatusarea fortelor interioare - Fragmente (1) 266

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  • Mathematics Of Biology... 320

    Have you always had a fascination for figuring of all sort and variety? Do you possess an uncannily numerical nature? Have you always had a fascination for figuring of all computing. Also cryptography, a form of pure mathematics, is deployed to encode the mathematics of biology of transactions made hourly via the mathematics of biology to study them. Jules Henri Poincar&eacute; cautioned about this problem at the mathematics of biology or bachelor's degree level and have your regular education training in math, or you may use logistics and statistics; a chemist will determine quantities of molecules by using mathematical formulas; an engineer will use his knowledge of all - is least of all the&nbsp;prier levels. The above paragraph probably didn't make much sense if it will give you a handy check as to whether you've typed in the mathematics of biology of financial projections and will come complete with charts and r

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