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Pentru ca nu am facut de mult si sunt pe placul meu mult , am cautat reteta, pentru ca nu o mai aveam din caietul vechi. Nu am facut foarte multe pentru ca am vrut sa vad cum ies. Au iesit foarte bune.
3 galbenusuri
3 linguri smantana
5 linguri zahar
150 gr untura(la temperatura camerei)
1 lingurita praf de copt
faina cat cuprinde
3 albusuri
un praf de sare
6 linguri de zahar
5 linguri nuca macinata
dulceata de care aveti eu am folosit se zmeura.
Punem intr-un bol galbenusurile, zaharul, smantana si untura, amestecam bine pana se omogenizeaza si adaugam faina amestecata in prealabil cu praful de copt, putin cate putin pana obtinem aluatul dorit, numai bun de modelat. Am luat cate o bucata de aluat , am pus-o in forma si am modelat-o dupa peretii formei. Trecem acum la umplutura.
Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana spuma devine lucioasa, se adauga nuca macinata si se amesteca cu o spatula de jos in sus.
Punem in cosulete dulceata si deasupra spuma de ou cu nuca. Le vom coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius pentru 20-30, pana incep sa se rumeneasca.
Mini Baskets with jam and walnut
3 egg yolks
3 TBSP sour cream or cream fraiche
5 TBSP sugar
150 gr lard(room temperature)
1 teaspoon baking powder
flour, as much as it needs.
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
6 TBSP sugar
5 TBSP grounded walnuts
jam( doesn't matter which one, I used raspberry
Put in a bowl the yolks, the sugar, the
cream and the butter, mix well until homogenized and add the flour
previously mixed with baking powder, little by little until we get
the desired dough. I took a piece of dough, shaped it according to
the shape walls. Now let's move on to the
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, add
the sugar and mix until the foam becomes glossy, add the ground nut
and mix with a spatula from bottom up. Put the jam in the baskets
and on top the egg foam with walnut. We will bake them in the
preheated oven at 170 Celsius for 20-30, until they start to