Dragilor, sunt o multime de metode de a vopsi ouale. Am facut si classic cu vopsea, ciorap si Frunze, acum m-am gandit sa fac si altfel. Am ales sa le colorez cu colorant alimentar, si bineinteles daca va uitati mai atent in poza sunt si cateva pictate cu acuarele de fiica mea Denisa. Haideti sa va spun ce ne trebuie.
10 oua
50 ml apa
50 ml otet
colorant alimentar lichid
ata sau elastic sau banda adeziva
Se spala bine ouale si se fierb timp de 7-8 min. Se scot, se clatesc cu apa rece si se lasa la racorit, cat sa putem pune mana pe ele.
Se ia o bucata de servetel, se inmoaie in apa amestecata cu otet , se inveleste oul in servetel si se leaga la capete ca sa fie mai usor. Incepem sa punem colorant alimentar pe ou, pete de culoare dupa cum doriti, cand este gata mai dati cu pensula cu apa cu otet pe el si inveliti oul cu inca un servetel. se lasa la uscat , iar apoi se unge cu ulei sau slanina ca sa fie lucios.
In Romania, we do dye boiled eggs for Easter. The tradition says that they have to be red , but we found different ways to make them look nice . This time I have used liquid food colouring. Let's see what we need to make them.
15 eggs
50 ml water
50 ml vinegar
liquid food colouring
thread, or sticky tape
Wash the eggs well and boil for 7-8 minutes. Remove them from the heat, rinse with cold water and leave to cool, so that we can touch them. Take a piece of napkin, soak it in water mixed with vinegar, wrap the egg in the napkin and tie at the ends to make it easier. We start to put food colouring on the egg, coloured spots as you wish, when it is ready brush with vinegar and water and wrap the egg with another napkin. leave to dry, then grease with oil or bacon to be glossy.