Piersicute sau piersici sau caise, cum vreti sa le
spuneti, sunt desertul copilariei. Cand facea mama de sarbatori tot
timpul dadeam tarcolale si furam din ele .
ALUAT:3 oua
o cana de zahar(cana este de 250 ml)
o cana de ulei( cana de 250 ml)
coaja de lamaie
esenta de vanilie
o cana de zahar(cana este de 250 ml)
o cana de ulei( cana de 250 ml)
coaja de lamaie
esenta de vanilie
o lingurita praf de copt
faina cat cuprinde
faina cat cuprinde
Scobitura de la piersici
un borcan dulceata de capsuni
Mai avem nevoie de:
3 siropuri cu colorant alimentar
zahar pentru tavalit
Se pun ouale intr-un bol, se adauga zaharul, esenta de
vanilie, coaja de lamaie si se amesteca bine, punem uleiul putin
cate putin pana se incorporeaza tot, apoi adaugam praful de copt si
faina cat avem nevoie, sa obtinem un aluat care poate fi modelat.
Luam cu mana din aluat si modelem in palma bilute mici cam cat o
nuca, le punem in tava cu hartie de copt si coaceam in cuptorul
preincalzit la 170celsius pentru 25-30 min. Le lasam la
Scobim gogoselele, miezul il amestecam cu dulceata in
asa fel incat sa nu fie nici prea tare nici prea moale, si aceasta
va fi umplutura lor.
3 boluri , in fiecare punem 2 linguri de zahar, cativa
stropi de esenta de rom, 250 ml apa si colorant alimentar,rosu,
galben si verde.
Luam doua gogosele, le umplem cu compozitia cu
dulceata, le lipim, dam prin siropurile colorate, repede iar la
final prin zahar tos.
3 eggs
a cup of sugar
a cup of oil
lemon zest
vanilla extract
a teaspoon of baking powder
Flour as much as it needs.
Crumbs from the balls
one jar of strawberry jam
We need more:
3 syrups with food colouring
granulated sugar for rolling the peaches
Put eggs in a bowl, add sugar, vanilla extract, lemon zest and mix well, put the oil little by little until everything is incorporated, then add the baking powder and flour as needed, to get a dough that can be modeled. We take the dough by hand and shape into small balls about the size of a walnut in the palm, we put them in the tray with baking paper and bake in the preheated oven at 170celsius for 25-30 min. Let them cool.
We scoop out the balls, we mix the core with the jam in such a way that it is neither too hard nor too soft, and this will be their filling.
3 bowls, in each we put 2 tablespoons of sugar, a few drops of rum extract, 250 ml of water and food colouring, red, yellow and green.
We take two balls, fill them with the
composition with jam, stick them together, put them through the
yellow, green and red syrups but fast and finally the roll them
trough granulated sugar.