Dragii mei nu am mai scris de ceva timp, dar astazi va aduc
o prajitura foarte buna, pe care toti o stiti, se numeste Tavalita
sau Lamington cake.
Lamington cake este o prajitura facuta din pandispan, data
prin sos de ciocolata si nuca de cocos. Se crede ca prajitura a
fost denumita dupa Lordul Lamington, care a fost guvernatorul
Queensland-ului intre anii 1896-1901, sau dupa sotia acestuia.
Identitatea inventatorului scestei prajituri este de asemenea
incerta, se crede ca a fost bucatarul sef al lordului, care trebuia
sa hraneasca niste oaspeti neasteptati, si a facut aceasta
prajitura cu ingredientele ce le avea. Prima mentionare a acestei
prajituri a fost facuta in anul 1896, intr-un ziar din
Daca tot v-am spus cate ceva despre aceasta prajitura eu
zic sa va dau si reteta.
6 oua
un praf de sare
6 linguri zahar
4 linguri ulei
6 linguri faina
o lingurita praf de copt
8 linguri zahar
300 ml lapte
50 gr. un
3 linguri cacao
esenta de rom
200-250 gr nuca de cocos
Separam albusurile de galbenusuri, albusurile le punem
intr-un bol si punem un praf de sare, urmeaza sa le batem cu
mixerul, galbenusurile se freaca separat cu uleiul. Batem
albusurile spuma, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana bezeaua devine
lucioasa, adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei si iarasi mixam. La
final se adauga faina cu praful de copt si se amesteca cu o spatula
de sus in jos. Se pune compozitia intr-o tava (25x35), pe hartie de
copt, si se coace cam 35-40 min in cuptorulpreincalzit la 170 grade
celsius. Dupa ce s-a copt scoate blatul si il lasam la
Intr-o cratita punem laptele, zaharul, untul si le punem pe
foc, un foc mediu as zice, pana se incalzesc bine, adaugam apoi
cacaoa si esenta de rom, amestecam din cand in cand si lasam sa
fiarba pana se ingroasa putin, tragem cratita deoparte si lasam la
Se taie blatul in patrate, mie mi-au iesit 24de patrate. Se
da fiecare patrat, pe fiecare parte prin sosul de ciocolata iar
apoi se tavalesc pe fiecare parte prin nuca de cocos.
Lamington cake is a sponge cake, coated by
chocolate sauce and rolled in desiccated coconut. It is believed
that the cake was named after Lord Lamington, who was governor of
Queensland from 1896-1901, or after his wife. The identity of the
inventor of this cake is also uncertain, it is believed that he was
the chef of the lord, who had to feed some unexpected guests, and
he made this cake with the ingredients he had. The first mention of
this cake was made in 1896 in a Queensland newspaper. If I still
told you something about this cake, I say I'll give you the
6 eggs
pinch of salt
6 TBS sugar
4 TBS oil
6 TBS flour
1tsp baking powder
8 TBS sugar
300 ml. milk
50 gr. butter
3 TBS cocoa powder
rum extract(few drops) or 1tsp of
200-250 gr. desiccated
First of all preheat the oven at 170
We separate the egg whites from the yolks, we put the egg whites
in a bowl and we put a pinch of salt, we are going to beat them
with the mixer, the yolks are rubbed separately with the oil. Beat
the egg whites, add the sugar and mix until the meringue becomes
shiny, add the yolks rubbed with oil and mix again. At the end, add
the flour with the baking powder and mix with a spatula from top to
bottom. Put the composition in a tray (25x35), on baking paper, and
bake for about 35-40 minutes in the preheated oven at 170 degrees
Celsius. After baking, take out the sponge and leave it to
In a saucepan put the milk, sugar, butter and put them on the
heat, a medium heat I would say, until they heat well, then add
cocoa and rum essence, stir from time to time and let it boil until
it thickens a little, pull the pan aside and leave to
The sponge is cut into squares, I got 24 squares. Give a roll to
each square, on each side through the chocolate sauce and then roll
on each side through the coconut.