Victoria Sponge Cake

  • Postat în Life
  • la 15-03-2020 15:19
  • 254 vizualizări
Victoria Sponge Cake
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Dea's Cakes
Victoria sponge cake, este o prajitura foarte usor de facut si este foarte populara in Anglia. Ce-I drept ei nu prea au atatea sortimente de creme cum avem noi, ei folosesc mai mult crema de unt. Eu am vrut sa fac aceasta prajitura in stilul meu si drept este ca a iesit foarte gustoasa.
For English recipe scroll down or press read more.
6 oua
un praf de sare
6 linguri zahar
2 linguri ulei
6 linguri faina
o ligurita praf de copt
250 gr capsuni
6 linguri zahar
300 ml frisca lichida
Incepem cu dulceata de capsuni, asa deci curatam si spalam capsunile , le putem taia bucati, le punem intr-o cratita la fiert cu zaharul pana incepe sa se ingroase. Se ia de pe foc si se lasa la racit. Acum incepem sa facem blatul.
Albusurile se bat spuma cu un praf de sare, se adauga zaharul si se bat pana spuma devine lucioasa. In continuare adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu uleiul, se mixeaza din nou sa se omogenizeze, iar la final adaugam faina impreuna cu praful de copt. Amestecam cu o spatula si punem compozitia intr-o tava rotunda cu diametrul de 25 cm, pe hartie de cop. Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius timp de 30-40 min. Se lasa la racit. Dupa ce s-a racit se incepe asamblarea, dar nu inainte de a bate frisca.
Blatul se taie in doua, se aseaza pe un platou jumatate de blat, se pune dulceata, frisca, cealalta jumatate de blat iar deasupra se pune zahar pudra.
Sper sa o incercati si voi.


A very popular cake. I decided to do it in my way . It was really nice. hope you will try it too. Let's start.
6 eggs
a pinch of salt
6 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons oil
6 tablespoons flour
a teaspoon of baking powder

250 gr fresh strawberries
6 tablespoons sugar
300 ml double cream

We start with the strawberries jam, so we clean and wash the strawberries, we can cut them into pieces, put them in a saucepan over a boil with sugar until it begins to thicken. Take from the heat and leave to cool. Now let's start making the sponge.
The whites, we have to whisk them with a pinch of salt, add the sugar and beat until the foam becomes glossy. Then add the rubbed yolks with the oil, mix again , and finally add the flour together with baking powder. Mix with a spatula and put the composition in a round tray with a diameter of 25 cm, on parchment paper. Bake in preheated oven at 170 Celsius for 30-40 min. Allow to cool. After the cooling has begun, the assembly begins, but not before whipping the cream.

Cut the sponge into two, place on a platter half of the sponge, put the strawberry jam, whipped cream, the other half of the sponge and put the powdered sugar on top(icing sugar).

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